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Hi friends, I just wanna let you guys know that this is the last chapter. I might be able to post a short sequel book or maybe a full one but I'm not 100% sure of how much time I could dedicate to writing. I have a full time job and am now looking into getting a part time job on top of that, so I may not have any time.
But!!!!! I will try my hardest to write as much as I can and I'll post the sequel chapters once I have majority of them written. It'll probably be a month or so at least until I will be able to post anything after this chapter tho.

Thank you so much for being a part of this story and for all your kind words and encouragement to keep writing, I appreciate you all so much :)

Now onto the last chapter!!!

Tyler's POV

It's been a rough few months since Harley lost the baby and she can't help but think it was all her fault, even though I don't think it is. Our parents took the news well and have been extra supportive and helpful to H and I since. Harley said she doesn't want to try for another baby anymore, and she's still sticking by that, but I know how badly she actually wants another one and she's only saying that to so she doesn't put another life at risk. But I'm willing to wait until she's ready for another, or if she decides she really doesn't want another one then we're perfectly happy as a family of three.

We're back in Dallas and getting ready for the season to start, Harley decided to postpone going back to work until January. Her health is more important than her job right now and she's so thankful that everyone in the organization agrees with her. I'm always a little distracted at hockey now a days and I'm hoping it's not too noticeable, I'm just worried about Harley being home alone right now. Sophia is already back in school so Harley really has no distractions at home to help get her mind off of everything.

"Hey man." I look up and Jamie is walking towards me, I wave at him and give a small smile as I continue to stretch.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Not much, just getting ready to warm up."

"Nice, I'm almost done and I think I'm gonna head out onto the ice and do some skating after."

"Need to clear your head?" He asks as he sits down next to me.

"I don't know, not really but it's always nice to have some time to think."

"How's everything at home?"

"It's good, she's still upset about it but we're working on it. I know she doesn't wanna talk about it so it's mostly just me and Sophia distracting her."

"Yeah, I feel like that would be something that's really hard to go through. She's getting better though?"

"Yeah slowly but surely, I'm not really counting on her getting back to one hundred percent that quickly. It's a slow and steady kinda pace right now." I stand up and do a few finals stretches and grab my water bottle.

"Well tell her I say hi and that I miss seeing her around here."

"Yeah of course!" Jamie starts to walk away and I stand there for a second before calling out his name.

"Yeah?" He asks

"Uhm do you think you could help me with something?"

"Of course dude!" Jamie walks back over and I tell him all about what I was planning on doing for Harley.

"Oh that's awesome, she's love that! I'm in!"

"Okay awesome, just come over later today. Probably around four o'clock, I'm gonna send her to get me stuff from a bunch of stores so she's gone as long as possible. But I still need to pick of Sophia and set stuff up."

Daughter // Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now