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"Grandma!" Sophia runs over to my mom the second she spots her sitting at a table in the small cafe.

"Hi sweet pea, I missed you so much." My mom wraps her arms tightly around Sophia as she pulls her into her lap. My dad stands from his chair and makes his way over to me to give me a hug and I squeeze him tightly as he kisses the top of my head.

"How're you doing Harley? The drive up was okay?" He asks as I now lean over to give my mom a quick side hug as Sophia is snuggled on her lap.

"Yeah, it was good and Soph slept most of the way so it was really quiet and we just talked about some summer plans. And surprisingly between her and the dogs we didn't have to stop all that much so it was a lot faster than I thought it would be."

"That's good then, any big plans this summer then?"

"Not at the moment really, just some of Tyler's friends are renting a cottage for Canada Day weekend and Sophia has some day camps to attend at the end of July and middle of August. Then we're heading back to Dallas a little early this year to help Jamie move into his new house and that's pretty much it so far for plans. Anything exciting going on for you guys?"

"Sounds like a pretty busy but relaxing summer, are you excited for your day camps Sophia?" My dad turns his attention to her and Sophia smiles.

"Yeah! Dad said one is a hockey camp so they can show me how to be really good like him and the other one mom said is an outdoors one and I get to go zip lining and do rock climbing!"

"Oh that sounds super exciting, I'm glad you're going to have a good summer Sophia." My mom says and Sophia nods.

We end up ordering some drinks and food to munch on while we talk for about an hour, then my dad suggests taking a walk to the park so Sophia can go play and "the adults can talk". Which is never a good thing when my dad suggests a talk, it's usually big or bad news and I'm always hoping for big news. As we walk Sophia runs ahead of us, she turns to look at us just before she gets to the corner of the street and stops running to wait for us.

We catch up and Sophia reaches up to hold my hand as we cross the street but let's go imeadiatley after and she runs ahead and into the entrance of the park. I watch as she makes a beeline for the playground as my parents start to walk towards an empty picnic bench near by. I sit down facing the playground, my back to my parents as I watch Sophia play for a few minutes.

"Harley?" I turn when my mom says my name and I raise an eyebrow at her, "we can tell there's something you're not telling us."

"Well I mean I'm not really."

"Are you sure? It just seemed like you had a lot on your mind earlier and we just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"No, well it's nothing too serious really I swear. I just haven't been feeling well lately and Ty made me go to the doctors because of it so I'm just waiting for some test results. I don't really feel like I have anything to stress about, but it's just one of those things where when they run a lot of extra tests you feel like there actually is something seriously wrong."

"Well what do you think it could be." My mom asks.

"I honestly think it's a combo of anxiety, stress from the drive up here and maybe a slight cold, but Tyler is paranoid so I had to see the doctor."

"So it's nothing serious then, just a little extra on top of a routine check up basically." My dad says and I nod quickly.

"Yeah exactly, I'll be fine. You know how I am with doctors and all that so it's just a little anxiety."

"Okay, I was starting to worry you were pregnant or something." My mom laughs and I shake my head.

"No but everyone seems to want me to be. Even Sophia has asked about having a baby sister and Ty wants another one now that we're together and in the same city. He still feels bad about not being around at all for Sophia so I think he wants a do over as well as a bigger family."

"I could see why he'd want that for sure, a bigger family would be nice and I'm sure he'd be such a great dad to a baby. But you also have to think about your career when trying to plan this type of situation." My dad has always been the one to push me to have my own well paying career and to always be able to provide for Sophia, even with Tyler in the picture full time.

"Yeah I know, but I've been with the team long enough now and I'm the one who suggested and got maternity leave added to our health insurance at work. I'm pretty set on that and I'd have a whole year off and would just be able to come back and we have enough trainers that I wouldn't leave the team high and dry if I did leave."

"Have you guys discussed this in length yet or is it just a "if it happens it happens" type of situation." My mom's face is full of concern as she asks, I'm not sure why but I shrug.

"Like I said he told me he wants a bigger family and I agree with that, but we haven't actively decided to start trying so I'm not totally sure what's happening right now with that."

"Well I know we would love to have another grandchild to spoil and Sophia would probably love a baby brother or sister as well" I laugh quietly along with my mom as she speaks and my dad lightly shakes his head with a smile on his face.

"I think we should be careful what we wish for."


OMG I'm so sorry for being sooooooooo delayed in updating I know I really suck but hopefully a new update will make up for it!!! Keep an eye out for some more updates as well I'm off this week so I'm hoping I can spend some time writing and get the last few chapters out within the week!!!


Daughter // Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now