Dark oreo cookie

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(5/8/24 edit: hello whoever came on this story. please don't read this, this story is not written well and the ending is rushed. this was my first ever story i made so at the time i wrote this i was not well experienced with writing stories.  thank you to everyone who has read this and gave it support, but just know that i have left the crk fandom and probably for good.

this fandom was quite boring for me since i joined when the fandom was dying, crk is dead now, i have uninstalled crk last month since i haven't enjoyed any updates after the mermaid tale update (which has an amazing soundtrack) so this is offically the end of my crk journey, i am honestly not even on wattpad anymore. i have moved onto ao3 but if i ever get the chance i will write another story on here. but next time it will be in a brand new fandom.

thank you for joining me on this ride. you have all gave me good memories and support that encourged me to keep trying. feel free to still read this garbage of a book but don't be surpised if you cringe at least once.

thank you all my neon stars..i hope to see you all in another book of mine one day..

from your weird author..neo)

"You may skip this part if you want this is just information about dark oreo"

"did someone spot me!?"

Dark oreo cookie (korean:다크 오레오 쿠키,dakeu ole-o kuki) is a former protagonist of cookie run:kingdom and an epic cookie,she is of the charge type and her position is prioritized to the front

she is the daughter of dark cacao cookie and the sister of dark choco cookie while being the former lost princess of the fallen dark cacao kingdom and at the current moment stays hidden in a small village out of the map called soda river village and is currently livng with her boyfriend banana cream cookie and his mother vanilla cream cookie

Game Description

long ago,this cookie was born into the coldest part of earthbread expecting to become what a everyone expected for a princess but she had different plans: the same night dark choco cookie found the strawberry jam sword and slashed there father dark oreo cookie sick of being viewed as weak and a burden to the family ran away from the dark cacao kingdom,many do not know where the lost princess is and if she still even is alive but a few do know where she is but they keep her hidden from the rest

Soulstone Description

This stone holds a piece of dark oreo's soul it is full of memory and emotions


Three Strikes

stuns the enemies before charging at them and slashing them into pieces those unlucky affected by the strike suffers from great damage and lowered denfense

Character Inspiration

dark oreo cookie as a character pulls character inspiration by dark choco cookie and a older outdated version of herself her creator made long ago during the heros of dark cacao update


Dark oreo is a calm,quiet and serective individual,she always seems to never want to be seen by others reflecting on how she seems to have a bad relationship with her father but this doesn't seem to get in her way of having any confidence and seems to have made herself a group of friends she can trust

When interacting with those she rather stays silent in fear of anyone figuring out her orgin and getting caught and being sent back to the dark cacao kingdom that she only sees misery in

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