Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: They Met (1)

He could not think about anything else while food was in front of him. He could not even prevent the admiration that was flowing out of his mouth.

Those close to Cale all decided that they would make sure there were always tasty snacks available whenever Cale was around.

"Ha. It's so delicious."

The deputy butler Hans flinched at the words that came out of Cale's mouth. Cale was sitting alone at the table, with Hans standing next to him.

Hans looked embarrassed by his past reactions around the young master.

Other than breakfast, Count Henituse's family tended to take care of the other meals freely. To be honest, it was mainly because they each had their own responsibilities.

Nobody said that it was easy to be a noble.

The nobles in the room all nodded.

"That is very true. Nobles have their duties too, but many of them unfortunately forget that originally, nobles were put in place to better be able to serve the people of the kingdom and manage their territories in a way to make the kingdom prosper. It is our duty to make the lives of the people better while keeping our kingdom safe and prosperous," Taylor reminded them.

Especially if you were in administration or politics, you had to follow a strict schedule, dropping everything else if you received an order from someone above you.

Count Deruth had responsibilities as the lord of the region, making it difficult to share other meals together, while Cale's younger siblings timed their meals based on their studies. The Countess was busy interacting with the wives of the influential households in the region, as well as other tasks.

'Now that I think about it.'

Cale put the fork down after suddenly remembering something. Hans started to get nervous, thinking to himself that this was the normal Cale. He was worried because he did not know when that fork may fly toward his face. Cale did not care whether Hans was nervous or not as he got lost in his own thoughts.

"I really don't know why everyone seems to always think I was going to throw things at them or hit them. I never hit anyone and only threw things at the thugs and gangsters," Kim Rok Soo reminded.

"Sorry," Hans apologized. "I have learned from my mistakes and will not judge others before attempting to get to know them. I will form my own opinion of others without allowing rumors to color my view of them. The two young masters have shown me that there are many sides to people and the one they present to the general population, may not be who they truly are. Thank you for showing me that, young masters."

Cale and Kim Rok Soo mumble something unintelligible while looking away, but those near them can see the pink dusting their ears.

'There are a lot of experts hiding as artists or craftsmen.'

Alberu* and several others in group 3 as well as Alberu^ and Zed^ got ready to take notes as soon as they read the word experts. They could use the information to gather strength for their upcoming fights.

The Roan Kingdom was pretty advanced in construction and the arts, especially sculpting. It was because there was a lot of marble in the Roan Kingdom. Thanks to that, the Henituse region became the fifth best marble mining region, bringing in a lot of money.

Furthermore, a mountain range took up most of Count Henituse's region. Even though it was located in the northwest, the mountains were extremely fertile, allowing the residents to grow grapes in between the mountains for wine. Although there was not a large quantity of wine from these fields, it was still treated as one of the best wines in the entire continent.

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