Chapter 66

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"We should play hide and seek with everyone when we have the movie night and popcorn," Raon suggested.

"That sounds like even more fun," Hong enthusiastically nodded.

The various other children present in group 5 all began to eagerly agree with the proposed game.

Cale suddenly found himself the target of many pairs of wide, glittering eyes and sighed, unable to resist them.

"Of course. I'm sure everyone would be happy to join in," Cale stated as he thought of the perfect hiding place for himself.

Those in the group that know the redhead well chuckled. They were all pretty sure their crimson haired young master would be hiding snuggly in his bed and all (even the kids) silently agreed with each other to find him last.

Chapter 66: Wasn't Supposed to Be Like This (3)

However, contrary to their expectations, Cale headed into the study with a stoic expression. He pushed back his still slightly damp red hair as he sat down and faced the three guests.

He took a sip of the tea that deputy butler Hans had given him before he started to speak.

"Long time no see."

Cale looked toward Choi Han, whose expression did not change at all, and the just as shy Lock, and greeted them before looking toward Rosalyn.

"Your Highness, Princess Rosalyn, it has been quite a long time."

Rosalyn started to smile and answered in a refreshing manner.

"You cannot call me princess anymore. I have been banished from the royal family."

"Noona, that makes it sound like we didn't care about you at all and kicked you out," Pen whined.

"You were in no way banished from our family," Rosalyn's father grumbled.

"...Is that so?"
"Yes. I have been removed from the family records. I no longer have a family name."

"You will always be a member of our family and are free to use the family name whenever you wish or need to," Rosalyn's mother told her.

"The only reason you were even removed from the family records is because you insisted it be done," John grumbled. "We all just wanted to leave everything the way it was and just let you go be a mage instead of the heir to the throne."

The other members of her family present in the room all began to make sure Rosalyn knew they still loved her and thought of her as family.

"I know," Rosalyn reassured her family. "I never thought any of you actually disowned me and I still think of all of you as my family. I just knew it would be easier for me to be removed from the family records so those stubborn old officials still insisting that I would be a better heir would have to give up and support John. My conversation there with young master Cale was for my own fun and to see how he'd react."

"Thanks, noona," John smiled. "Did young master Cale react as you hoped he would?"

"Yep. He was completely unphased by it and continued to treat me as he always had. Not an ounce of pity in his gaze at all," Rosalyn happily replied.

Cale just turned away from Rosalyn, who answered in such a happy manner. He then casually added on.

"I guess I can just continue to call you Miss Rosalyn then."

Rosalyn's red pupils focused on Cale. Although she was the one who chose to give up her claims to the throne instead of getting written off, people still had looks of pity toward her these days. Seeing Cale acting so normally around her made her able to respond with a relaxed heart.

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