Chapter 43

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"We did start a bit of chaos with the way I showed up walking next to his highness," Taylor agreed.

"It was amusing though," Alberu commented.

"Very satisfying too," Cale added.

"It was great to see the bastard so angry," Raon stated with a wicked smile.

"I really wish I could have been there. That would have been so funny," Cage said.

"I was sadly too distracted at that moment to even notice him," Amiru admitted.

"So was I," Eric added.

"I think everyone, but young master Cale, Marquis Taylor, and his highness were too distracted to notice," Gilbert pointed out.

"That was true for me as well," Antonio commented.

Chapter 43: Somehow (1)

However, the inside of the carriage was already chaotic. Cale looked toward Neo, whose legs were shaking, and internally clicked his tongue. Neo seemed to be frantic and full of concern. The majority of the nobles looked chaotic.

"That little weasel was probably having a mental breakdown at that point," Cage said with a smile.

"That's what poor decision making gets him," Cage* added.

"Minions always panic when things don't go the way their master wants," Bud* said.

"True and having his brother suddenly show up fully healed and next the crown prince can definitely be considered as things not going Venion's way," Bud agreed.

'Venion's face was a mess too.'

"Stupid idiot's face fit his personality then," Raon mumbled.

Cale made sure to give Raon and Dodam^ some extra pats for comfort since Venion was being mentioned.

Cale recalled Venion Stan's face that he peeked at before getting on the carriage. Venion was full of rage.

"Of course the bastard was full of rage. The spoiled brat finally wasn't getting his way," Cage* exclaimed.

"We will make sure to wipe that look off our version of the bastard's face. Only things his face is going to show are terror and pain," Rasheel* said with a dark smile.

"I think the punishment the Marquis Stan^ and Venion^  received needs to be reassessed. Dodam-nim, it would be a great help to me if you could offer your assistance with that." Alberu^ said to the little dragon.

"Ah. Um..this great and mighty dragon will assist you since you are in need of the help," Dodam^ replied in a haughty manner. Everyone just pretended the slight quiver in his voice wasn't there.

"You have my thanks, Dodam-nim^," Alberu^ replied with a bow.

Cale gave the prince a small grateful smile and nod in thanks.

While the muttered conversations about Venion and his counterparts were going on, Cale made sure to continue patting the two little dragons.

Who would have ever expected this?

"To be honest, I always hoped it would happen and supported Taylor* and his search for a way to heal his legs, but as time passed, I felt the possibility of it actually happening slipping away more and more," Cage* admitted. "Perhaps that's why he had no hope left after the Vitality of the Heart couldn't heal him."

At the melancholic expression on her face and hopeless tone in her voice, Cage sincerely prayed to the God of Death for once. For saving Taylor she can at least give him her sincere thanks this once.

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