Chapter 21

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"Young master Cale."

"Yes Miss Cage*?"

"Thank you."

"What for?"

"Thank you for taking that power. At first I was angry you had taken something that should have been Taylor's, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that I was actually glad you did. Taylor thought that power was his last hope and when it couldn't heal him, it crushed him. It's like all fight to live left him and he was just waiting for death, so thank you for sparing another Taylor that pain," Cage explained.

"You're welcome," Cale replied sincerely.

Chapter 21: Returning The Favor (1)

Cale just casually nodded toward Choi Han on this early morning and picked up the glass of cold water that Ron had prepared for him. Cale recalled what Ron had said earlier, as he felt the cold water flow through his body.

'Young master, it is not good to take such a long night walk. This Ron was very worried about you.'

Ron smiled smugly at the words on the screen.

It made his mind clear up, even without the cold water for some reason. Cale carefully put the water back down and started to speak to Choi Han.

"You took care of everything properly?"
"Yes, Cale-nim."

"You're so reliable, instructor-nim," Alberu commented.

After Choi Han had brought Cale back to the inn, he immediately went back to erase their tracks and create a new set of fake tracks heading toward the west.

"The way that's written kind of makes it sound like Choi Han was a babysitter dropping the kid off back at home after a field trip," Lee Chul Min* whispered to Park Jin Tae*.


Meeeeeow. Cale looked toward the kittens that were eating jerky and yawning, and started to explain to Choi Han about the city that they would soon reach.

"The name of the next city is Puzzle City. That is the middle point in our journey."

"That's where we were before we came here, human," Raon said excitedly.

"That's right, nya," Hong added.

"It's kind of a mess right now though," On stated.

"Isn't that where you said you just finished a big fight?" Alberu* asked.

"That is the case. The damage was pretty bad, but luckily no lives were lost and it could have been so much worse. We got lucky there. The two unranked monsters that showed up were the best possible ones for us to deal with out of the eight that could have been there," Alberu answered.

Everyone in groups 1 and 2 shuddered at the thought of having to fight two unranked monsters at the same time and just the mere thought of the possibility of having to face eight of them at once was enough to cause their breath to catch.

Once you get out of the Henituse territory that is surrounded by mountains, all the roads are well-paved from this small city in the Viscount's territory to the capital.

'That's the reason that the Henituse territory has been safe until now, even if it is a bit annoying for the merchants.'

Even if you have a lot of goods to sell, it would be difficult for merchants to travel to buy those goods if the roads were rough. However, the merchants pushed through this inconvenience because the roads were paved as soon as they left the Henituse territory.

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