Chapter 1

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When a whole clan decides to assassinate you, you would be unsure if you feel honored or concerned. That was, unfortunately, my scenario. My name is Drail, I'm a traveling assassin who wants to know more about my family and lineage.

You'd think as an assassin I would've detected the ambush easily. You underestimate how powerful multiple layers of detection-blocking spells are. Even seasoned assassins like me couldn't sense it.

I was walking along a path when I heard leaves rustle from above. I stopped and brandished my great sword, cautiously walking forward. The rustling continued, slowly getting louder. I couldn't pinpoint where it exactly was, it was everywhere. I heard a rustle in a bush near me and I threw a couple of poison darts at it. Fake poison ones, of course. Just as I expected, they bounced back, hitting me, I removed them easily with a slight grunt, I slashed behind me, deflecting a dozen of actual poison darts.

I turn to the direction of the shot and cut the trees and incinerating them with a flame spell. My paw was then wrapped around by magic strings, rendering it incapable of moving. I tried breaking free but it was too strong. They grabbed my other arm and tied them together.

Their leader then came out, he wore his usual attire. Cream-ish ivory polo shirt, pure black pants and that annoying cape that glints with gold.

"My, my. Are your senses dulling, Drail? That was to easy~" He asked mockingly. I sneered at him, gritting my teeth.

"Well, if it weren't for your whole clan and fancy mages, you'd be nothing but dust by now." I replied with a smirk. He grabbed my right horn and positioned my face to face him directly.

"Listen, I was commissioned to capture and kill you. I don't know their reasons, only thing they told me is that they were just 'giving you a second chance.' Well, I accepted only for the rewards." He pointed his palm at me, constructing a magic circle, containing the word Ignen, meaning ignition.

Right as he was about to cast his spell, everything turned brighter and then all black. It took me a second to realize it was the last resort-spell that Master taught me: 'Seiduz Lapsuber', Constellation Slide. I didn't understand how it worked, as Master never demonstrated it. Only made me master the last resort version of it. Hence this is the first time I saw it.

I awoke. I was in a plane of some sort. It was a starry sky with what seems to be an ocean beneath me, reflecting the sky.

A bright dot appeared, then another one, and four more until they took random places near each other. Transparent lines started to form an image on top of the dots, forming what seemed to be a wolf with horns.

"Just like me... Is this also the work of the Concept of The Cosmos?" I wondered, I slowly approached it. Ripples appeared where my feet were once were. I approached the dot on the forehead of the picture and decided to touch it, out of curiosity. I then suddenly went unconious.

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