Chapter 7

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Back at Drail's old world

Del wanders around the town, searching for a certain merchant that may or may not be illegal. He took a right into an alleyway and saw what he was looking for: A shop, in the middle of an alleyway.

"Why do your branches have to be so secluded? Can't you pick a more convenient place?" Del complained. The shopkeeper huffed.

"If we were to do that, business would've been cut short." The shopkeeper held a black orb in his hand. "This what ya want, no?"

Del smirked. "Yes, and how much would that be?"

"A hundred thousand gold coins." Del did a double take. A hundred thousand!? Del searched his pockets and grabbed a pouch.

"C-can I pay for it in segments? I only have ten thousand on me. I'll make sure to pay the rest tomorrow." The shopkeeper thought about it for a while, then grunted annoyingly.

"Fine, no payment, and you'll be hunted." She gave the orb to Del, they exchanged farewells and Del went on his way. He internally cried, for he lost all, of his money and ninety thousand more.

On his way back, Del saw this guy posting missing posters. The guy approached Del, his face had a smile but his teal eyes were sad and longing. As if he lost a loved one.

"Hi, I'm Dire. I was wondering if you've seen this guy. He's a good friend of mine and uh, I haven't seen him in a while." He gave Del the poster, his eyes widened when he saw the very wolf they were trying to track. Dire noticed it and his eyes brightened.

"You've seen him? Where... where is he?"

"N-no, sorry. He just looked like someone I know. I hope you find him." Del felt bad breaking the poor guy's heart. His ears drooped and his eyes went back to it's sad look.

"Ah, ok... Well, hope you have a great day." His voice was halfhearted. He walked away with his head lowered.

Del quickly head back to the guild hub. By the time he arrived, the sun was already setting. It's golden light slowly fading into the darkness. Del went to the receptionist.

"Hi, welcome to the guild hub!" The receptionist said cheerfully. Del asked if they saw a strange person walked in. "Ah, you mean Chimera? Yeah, he's over there." The receptionist pointed to the corner of the place, typical of Chimera.

"You seem rather eager to tell me something." Chimera sipped the cup of tea he had.

"Yes, sir. Two things. I have the Concept of The Cosmos." Del handed the black orb to Chimera. He examined it and put it in his pocket.

"What else?"

"I saw this guy handing out missing person posters. The picture matches our target. He must be an acquaintance."

"Indeed, that is interesting indeed. What's his name?" Del finally got the attention he wanted from Chimera. He felt happy and satisfied doing this job for once.

"His name is Dire, sir."

"Excellent work. Now, all we need to do is have a chat with this Dire."

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