37: Auditions/Tell Me

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Sunghoon POV

Today is Friday last day of school for now. I woke up alone assuming my girlfriend was flustered from yesterday. "You did it, babe. You made it through your first two weeks of school" I cheer for her as we get out of the car.

"Come here" she says and I walk over to her "bend down" I bend down and she kisses my cheek. "You should be good for the rest of the day" she says before walking away from. "How can you say that?!" I say catching up to her.


"Unnie, what happened to Keeho oppa? I haven't seen him in a while" I roll my eyes, wondering what she wanted with him. "He started hanging out with his friends again" Haime shrugs and I quickly change the subject. "Have you thought about what you want to do, babe?" She shakes her head like she just remembered something.

"I totally forgot" she says and begins thinking. "My dad said I should try dancing" she says with less confidence, I rub my thumb over her hand to comfort her, I know she's feels pressured to quickly find a new career path so she can provide for herself.

"You don't have to find something right away, I don't mind supporting you" I whisper the last part and she glares at me with her sharps eyes. "Thanks babe, but I will support myself" she says while pinching my cheeks I try to kiss her lips but she keeps dodging me.

Angel POV

Oppa had skating practice after school so I decided to with Heejin to her dance audition. "You should really audition with me" Heejin offers but I hesitate, I haven't danced in a while. "I don't know, I haven't done any dancing in a while" I tell her and look at my clothes.

"besides what would I wear?" I say looking at the skirt I wore for school when Heejin grabs my head and drags me somewhere. "Heejin! Where are we going? You can stop dragging me, I'll go with you" I huff and puff as we run across the street and she lets me go.

I glare at her with envy of her energy right now, how is she not huffing and puffing right now? "We're going to a clothing store" she says to my earlier question "To buy you an audition outfit" she winks at me which reminds me of my ever so flirtatious boyfriend.

Heejin makes me try on various colors and outfits until I find one of my liking that fits the weather which is actually not to cold today. I put on my audition outfit and put my school clothes in a bag. When Heejin pays for the outfit she seems proud of herself. "Now let us dance"


When we walk in there are people in there doing various stretches. I'm very nervous and out of my comfort zone right now. "Don't think too much, think of it like skating. It's the same but without the ice and skates with blades" Heejin says in an effort to cheer me up as she starts stretching and I follow suit.

"They're gonna show us a dance and we have to perform it by the 5:30" I swallow hard, that's like almost 3 hours away. I sigh as I continue my stretching. Our dance teacher Hana unnie is very nice making sure everyone was caught up with moves. For break Heejin and I decided to keep practicing when my phone rang.

I don't know why but I was kind of disappointed to see my boyfriend instead of my mom but I answered. "Hey, handsome" I smile, he must've finished with practice. "Where are you? I'll come get you" I look around and realize I don't really know where Heejin dragged me.

"Ummm... I don't know exactly but my location is on" I can hear him sigh at my irresponsibility and pout. "Don't pout, I'll be there in 30 minutes" I hang up with him and smile.

How'd he know I was pouting?

Sunghoon POV

Skating practice was decent but it made me miss Angel.

How does she not know where she is?!

She was she was at this dance studio about 15 minutes away from our school. From the outside it looked more like a garage than a dance studio. The dance that they were learning seemed fun and cool. Angel looked very happy dancing with Heejin, her eyes sparkled. She actually looked like she was having fun and it made her look even cuter.


"Did you have fun?" I ask and she nods. I try to hug her but she backs away from me "I'm sweaty and stinky" she says but I roll my eyes at the short girl. "I don't care, babe" "I do. That's embarrassing" she says looking tired and sad, so I leave her alone. Girls always think too much about small things.

The next day

Haime POV

I haven't seen Keeho not that I'm looking for him or anything. I did the right thing by letting him go. "Unnie, what's wrong? You seem to be looking for someone" Angel says making the boys look at me. "I'm not. I'm not looking for anyone" I say and continue walking in silence.

"Do you like someone, Haime?" Sanbin asks and I shake my head at his ridiculous accusation. I would never like anyone here. "I already have you two. I don't need more stress on top of that" I say matter of factly. "However do we stress you?!" Sanbin asks and I look at him with mock disgust.

"Before Sunghoon brought Angel here and you guys stopped talking" I eye them and they nod. "Why'd you stop talking?" Angel asks and I look at the 2 boys expectantly. "When they were arguing over Hyunjoo unnie" I say and Sunghoon's eyes widen in fear.

"They put me through hell" I whine to Angel. "Speaking of how are you two, Sanbin oppa?" He looks at her confused. "Hyung didn't tell you?" Sunghoon tries to interject but he's ignored. "Tell me what?" She asks also confused. "Nothing, let's keep walking" he says but I stop him.

"You didn't tell her?!" I ask appalled. "Tell me what?!" Angel says louder and more irritated now. "They broke up. That's it. Can we go now?" Sunghoon continues walking with out us as we look at him walk furiously.

LOVE LANGUAGE: EN- BOOK 1: SUNGHOON Where stories live. Discover now