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Angel POV

The next day

I wake up next to oppa who is already awake. "Do you feel better, oppa?" I sit up. "I don't think I should tell my mom since I don't even know who did it" I grab his hand gently, he eventually relaxes his hand.

"You still get scared when I touch you. I know it's scary telling your parents stuff but your mom is so understanding and caring. You don't have to tell her if you're not ready but don't not tell her at all" I explain to him.

He smiles at me "I assume you're talking about your move to Korea?" I nod and remember something. "Speaking of. I told my dad and he wants to meet you before I leave" I say quickly not looking at oppa. "You-you told your dad about me?" I nod shyly.

"He kind of found out the other day" he puts his head on my shoulder. "You must really like me! I can't believe you told your dad about me!" He says excitedly. "Should I be concerned that your too excited about this instead of nervous?" He shakes his head and I get a call from my lawyer.

"Hi, Mr. Opephedal" I say in English as oppa puts his ear next to my phone. "Hey! I just wanted to let you know that the rights of your account is being seen by a judge. So I'll need to see you in 2 days" I nod forgetting he can't see me. "Okay, great I should be back home by then. Thank you" my lawyer hangs up.

"Aish! Why are you such a busybody?" I say in Korean again. "Is that for your money?" I nod.

I'm keeping my word, I'm not backing down from this decision.

"Can we bacon for breakfast?" Oppa asks. "Yeah, I'll go buy some" I stand up and grabs my wrist. "Wait for me" I nod and wait for him.


"Come on, oppa! We didn't come here for this" I tell him to put down another bag of sweets and he pouts. "Please, Angel I really want some candy" I shake my head. We head to the line with few items we had. "You still wanna perform right?" I ask him. "Yeah, I wouldn't let something like this get in the way of my dream" He says and I smile, proud of him.

He hugs me as we wait in line "So clingy, oppa" I scrunch my face together in mock disgust. "You very much like it" he says confidently and I push him off me. "Aish! I'm sorry" he bumps into someone, I turn to mock him but recognize the girl.

"Yeji unnie"

"Angel!" My eyes widen "you know me,unnie?" I ask and she smiles at me. "of course I do! You're one of the best female skaters of our generation!" She hugs me. "Hello noona" Sunghoon oppa greets her. "I know you guys will kill the next competition" she says. "Yeah, it'll be my last performance as a skater" I say and she frowns.

"Why?! You're so good" "thank you, unnie but I wanna do something else for a living" she nods. "You know. Both of you guys would be good idols. You definitely have the image" she says with certainty. "Sunghoon oppa definitely would but not me. I'm not really a singer" I say.

"It's okay. Just some fruit for thought" I nod "I have to go, you guys take care" she waves at us. "I could totally see you as an idol" I say and Sunghoon oppa shakes his head. "Come on, I'm a skater" he scoffs.

Sunghoon POV

At home

"You know. Both of you guys would be good idols"

"I could totally see you as an idol"

I've never considered being an idol before. Ice Skating is my dream, isn't it? I need to calm down just because Angel doesn't want to skate anymore doesn't mean the same for me.

"Oppa" Angel pulls me from thoughts. "I brought some porridge for you" she says as the doorbell rang. Angel opens the door and I hear my mom thanking Angel again. She finally comes into my room. "Sunghoon-ah, how are you feeling?" "I'm better now, mom" I assure her and finish my porridge. "You fever seems to have gone down, that's good" she takes my bowl to the kitchen.

I turn on my tv for back ground noise and lay down. Angel walks in and sits next to me. "If you're feeling better can I meet the rest of your friends?" She asks and I laugh at her. "Why would you want to do that? Doesn't Sanbin seem weird to you?" I ask her and turn to her. She shakes her head "I think Sanbin oppa is funny"

I hate the way she calls him 'oppa'

I roll my eyes as she begs me to go out. "I don't want to think evilly toward him" she tilts her head in question. "Wah?" "I'll get jealous of Sanbin if we go out together. You still haven't told me if your feelings have changed for me" I tell her. "They have" I sit up quickly "How?!" I ask.

"I'll tell you but only if we can meet up with your friends" she says and I fold my arms. "Why do you want to meet them so badly" I ask irritated. "Because you care about them and I want us to get along well" she says and my expression softens.

"Okay... we'll meet with them" she gets excited and kisses my cheek. "But you'll sleep with me tonight" I say, she hesitated before walking out of my room "I'll see you later!" I shout after her.

random number

Angel wants to go out
let's go somewhere

random number
Hyunjoo noona wants to
hang too, where should we go?

I am not comfortable with her! Why does he have to invite her everywhere? We get it she's not imaginary! If I tell him not to bring her he'll obviously ask questions and I don't want to talk about that. I'll just have to suck it up. I shouldn't have said yes! Angel and her damn effect on me!

Let's go for cake
girls love cake

random number
Okay! see you hyung

I'm finishing this book as I'm publishing this chapter and I'm so proud of how it's going 😊😊

LOVE LANGUAGE: EN- BOOK 1: SUNGHOON Where stories live. Discover now