38: Silent Treatment

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Sunghoon POV

Angel had been pretty silent on the way home. I could something was on her mind and I had an idea what that something was. Did I want to bring it up? No, this has nothing to do with her. She doesn't need to worry about me because I'm fine.

When we walk into the house she walks into my room not saying anything, I walk in behind her, she doesn't acknowledge me so I sit next to her and try to kiss her and she breaks. "What are oppa and unnie talking about?" She looks at me expectantly but I don't answer

"Please tell me" "It's nothing" she stands up in front of me clearly frustrated with me not knowing what she wants to know will trouble her more. "It's not nothing or you wouldn't be working so hard to keep it from me"

"If you don't tell me Park Sunghoon I'm going to leave" I finally look at her surprised she used my full name. "It doesn't matter anymore, I'm fine" "if it doesn't matter then tell me" I sigh debating whether I should tell her or not.

She's so persistent and I know she'll actually leave which is what I don't want. "Sanbin broke up with Hyunjoo because of me" she looks at me confused. "How is that your fault?" "He found out that she was my harasser" she doesn't speak her eyes widen and gloss over, I quickly hug her.

"It's not your fault" she pushes me off of her with anger. "I know it's not my fault! Why didn't you tell me sooner? I wouldn't have brought her around you!" She cries "Because she's your friend" I say but that makes it worse.

"I didn't even know that you were uncomfortable around her and I kept asking her to hang with us! Why didn't you tell me?! Everyone else knew except me, huh?!" She asks and I don't look at her as I wipe my eyes. "Angel, I'm sorry. I didn't want you to worry about me" she rolled her eyes at me.

"I'm your girlfriend, Sunghoon, I'm supposed to worry about you and go through things with you not make them worse for you" she grabs a pillow from the bed to go sleep on the couch but I grab her. "I told you to communicate with me, that's all I asked" she said before getting out from my grip.

"I want space until you're more comfortable telling me things" she leaves the room leaving me torn. This is why I didn't want to tell her, now she's mad at me. We were doing so good.

The next day

"Where's Angel?" Sanbin asks and I glare at him. "She's not talking to me because I told her about Hyunjoo" I say and Haime shakes her head. "I told you not to wait too long to tell her, that's why she's mad at you" I growl and whine ignoring them both.

"I don't care, she took the bus this morning and slept on the couch last night" I cry. "I found her" Sanbin says and I immediately look too. "Where?"  He points and I find her with Heejin sitting with that Keeho kid. Who keeps looking over our way.

"Haime, I think Keeho has something to say to you" Sanbin says but she doesn't even flinch or react. "I don't care" "so you are avoiding him" Sanbin concludes and  she throws some trash at him. "I'm right. You always get abusive when we're right" he says.

"it's okay if you like him, Haime. Why are you pushing him away?" I look at her asking the same thing. They clearly like each other which is the only reason I allowed the boy to hangout out with Angel.

"Please go out with him" I beg her. I don't want him to start liking Angel because Haime doesn't like him. "No, I don't want to so I won't" she eats her food in silence and we follow suit.

Haime POV

Me and Sunghoon are both struggling with our love lives right now. I want to talk to Keeho so badly but it's for the best anyways, he'll find other girls to go out with. He ignores me in class now which I deserve and in some classes he doesn't sit by me anymore.

It hurts a lot but it doesn't matter I'm sure he doesn't like me anymore. Poor Sunghoon has been making countless attempts with his girlfriend all day getting nowhere. He went to her class after lunch and was brutally ignored. That reminded me of Keeho and I.

For some reason every little thing reminded me of us and I kind of missed him, it made my stomach hurt. I wanted to be selfish for Keeho and I but he didn't even know my name and that was my fault. I've screwed up terribly and now my stomach hurts.

The Next Day

I am going to find him today and I'll explain my behavior. I'm not nervous at all. "Why do you look so nervous" Sanbin says to me and turns to Sunghoon "and why do you look so tired?" I would've and should've slapped him but Sunghoon beat me to it.

"Her silence is driving me crazy. Last night when she was asleep and I put her in my bed so I could sleep on the couch but couldn't sleep" he says with blood shot eyes. I feel bad for him but I did tell him to tell her. "Who's nervous you idiot?!" I hit him after all taking away some of my nervousness.


I walk into my class and find Keeho in his seat next to me. "Can I talk to you?" I ask to no response. "Keeho, please?!" "You're talking to me now? Are you using me again?" I deserved that but I digressed. "Keeho, do you remember when someone asked you out in this room?" He nods with a skeptical face.

"then you told her you liked me and she called you a freak and weirdo" "how do you know about that?" He says and his attitude changes, he's softer. "I was there which is why I wouldn't reciprocate your feelings" I explain.

"It doesn't matter now" he says and my eyes gloss over. "What do you mean?" I ask but he doesn't respond and my questions remains unanswered for the rest of the class.

LOVE LANGUAGE: EN- BOOK 1: SUNGHOON Where stories live. Discover now