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Kay'Lani POV

Next Morning


(lets say this is taking place in January)


I woke up when the smell of bacon hit my nose. I rushed into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face and then quickly headed downstairs to the kitchen.

"Thanks Wiland." I said as I grabbed a few pieces of bacon and ran out of the kitchen. Wiland is the french cook and sure as hell is a bomb one at that.

"Madame !" I heard him call out after me, but I kept laughing and running.

As I was making my way back up the stairs the doorbell rang. "Fuck," I said to myself turning back around. "I got it."

I savaged the last piece of bacon before opening the front door. Well, Well, Well. Look what the nigga bitch dragged in.

"May I help you?" I asked in my most polite voice.

"Yea, Jacob hired me as your wedding planner." She said.

"Oh yea," I say mentally rolling my eyes. "Well he's not here. Try again later." I added about to close the door in her face but she stopped it.

"That's fine. I'm suppose to be working with the both of you anyways, and let's be honest, Jacob could really care less about the flowers and colors, am I right?" She said.

"Fine, come in. I guess you could wait in the living room while I get ready, kinda just woke up. It's right around the corner to your--"

She interrupted, "My left, I know."

"Okay. Wait, how?" I asked.

"Jacob gave me a tour once." She responded with a smile. Whatever.

"Right well uh, Wiland just finished breakfast, help yourself if you like." I told her before going upstairs for my shower.


[outfit to the side]

"Sooo," I said joining her in the living room. "I don't even know your name."

"Oh, I'm Indigo, and you are..." She trailed on. What the hell? He didn't even tell her my name?

"Kay'Lani." I finish for her.

"I've seen you in a few magazines and wasn't sure if I should call you Kay'Lani or Xeymarah." Oh.

"Oh, yea, just call Me Kay'Lani, or Kay. Whatever you feel like." I told her.

"So, she would start with choosing a date?" She asked.


"Well, Jacob suggested that we use Valentines day." She told me. My eyes lit up.

"Really? That'd be bomb"

"But, think about it. People are gonna have other plans that day. Who really wants to sit for hours watching others be married when they could be out of town fucking each others brains out?" I laughed hard as shit.

"Oh god," I said catching my breathe. "You're right." I added.

"So I was thinking, The day before. You know, before people leave for their trips or whatever."

I nod. "I'll settle."

"Alright, I'll see if any venues' have any openings that day."

"What next?"

"Invitations, but we can work on that once we get everything else out of the way. Did you and Jacob already have a color scheme you wanted to go by?"

"Not really, we don't really care. As long as it happens and our parents get what they want." I admitted.

"Okay, how about pale brown and basil? I think those colors blend beautifully."

Oh, she's good. Nice work Perez.


Jacob POV




As I lay on my back on the wooden floor of the studio, listening to Nirvana, I thought about everything that will be going down. I'm not feeling any pang of guilt yet, besides the fact that I know what I'm doing is wrong.

To lure her in like that.

She caught mad feelings early on and I didn't mean for that to happen. Sometimes I even think about settling on making her hate me.

That's the only way this plan will work without me feeling sorry.

At the beginning all my actions were real. But then I soon realized that I had to get colder.

And distant.

In the end, feelings will be hurt, and there will be hatred. But I'm willing to let that happen.

'Jacob Emmanuel Perez' a voice in my head called out 'You're a sick bastard'

I couldn't even disagree with my conscience this time. Cause I know it's true.


Kay'Lani POV

Hours Later

Private room


The vibe was enticing. The instrumental luring me in. I felt all my worries fading and drifting into the distance. My body began to move in sync with the bass. I was moving at a swift but graceful pace as I inched up to my stress reliever. I continued to spin the rest of my thoughts away and then..

"Fuck!" I yelled to myself falling to the floor and gripping my hip in pain. Not again. I laid there on the floor as the throbbing began to subside. After pulling myself off the floor I limped to couch in the corner of my secret room. This is my private room where I spin dance and make up choreography. I sat on the couch and grabbed my phone, unlocking it. I tapped my contacts list and scrolled down to Chresanto's name.

"Hello?" Chres answered a few seconds after ringing.

"Chres, are you available tomorrow afternoon?" I asked him.

"Yea, wassup?"

"Do you do full body massages?"

"Yea, you okay?"

"I'll be fine. I made a wrong move while I was dancing and now my hip hurts." I told him.

"Or maybe your hips are finally growing in." He said before laughing.

"You ass." I said laughing as well.

"I'm only kidding. But yea, swing by the place around 1 and bring me lunch nigga."

"Uh, No."

"Puhleaseeee Lani." He begged.

"Fine, we'll go for lunch afterwards." I told him. We said our goodbyes and I pressed end. I made my way into Jacob and I's bedroom and grabbed something comfortable to wear before heading into the bathroom and running a bubble bath. My body has be longing for this all day. I got undressed and sunk into a momentary paradise.

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