(16) :: It's Your Wedding Day Girl,

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Kay'Lani POV

Next Morning

Craig's Apartment


"Kay'Lani, babe get up." Sydni said shaking me.

"5 more minutes," I groaned.

"I just gave you 5 more minutes. It's your wedding day girl."

"Ugh, don't remind me." I said sitting up. "I'm so damn tired." I added standing up and stretching.

"I don't see how, you was sleep before I was even out the shower and we showered pretty early." She told me.

"I guess," I said grabbing a towel and going to take a shower. When I got out I dried off and pulled my bra and panties out of my bag. I pulled them on and paused.

"Kay?" Syd asked.


"What's wrong?"

I turned around. "Notice anything different?" 

"Holy shit girl, when did you grow those?" She asked referring to my boobs.

"I don't know but they fucking hurt," 

"Oh suck it up," She told me as I slipped on the bridal slip. "How you wearing your hair?"

"Like this." I told her.

"Well oka--" There was a knock on the door. "I got it."

Syd opened the door and Shanina, Jessica, and Chanel walked in.

"Hey girls," I say hugging them.

"Hey," They all said smiling.

"Just sit your bags any where."  Syd told them.

They did as told and got started on their hair. When Abilene showed up with Isabell and Jessabell they all already had their hair and makeup done. I sat eating my Ice cream as the twins went around doing everyone elses makeup. 

"Auntie Heather said she would meet us there," Isa said when she got to me. 

"Okay," I said putting the lid on the jar. 

When she finished, we all put on our dresses and headed out. Once we pulled up at the Holiday Inn, we went to our private room until it was time.

"Knock, knock." A female voice on the other side of the door said.

"Who is it?" I asked getting up. 


I opened the door and she walked in. 

"Wassup?" I asked. Just then 7 other girls walked in carrying bags and what looked like dresses.

"I have bad news. You won't be having a wedding today." She told me.

Okay this I knew. "Why?"

"You eight follow me and I'll tell you." She added pointing to my bridal party. 

They all gave me a weird look but I shrugged, grabbed my phone, and followed her with them trailing behind me.

"What the hell is going on?" Syd whispered to me.

"Like hell if I know."

Eventually I noticed we were being led to the dining hall where the wedding was taking place. Why the hell she taking us here? I thought as we walked in. I looked around and saw Jacob and his groom party, my parents and his mom, Jaden, and Syds parents. Everyone else I didn't even know. And trust me it was a lot of people. Half of them looked related to Jacob though. 

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