01 | the life of a college students

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As soon as he heard his alarm go off the first thing he did was let out a tired groan from under the bed sheets.

His tan arm slipping from under the covers as it reachers towards the bedside table, eyes still shut as he hits his hand around waiting to feel the alarm under his palm.

"Finally" He muttered as the loud blearing of the alarm stopped, he wanted to close his eyes for another minute but he knew if he did he would be late for classes.

With a heavy groan he flung the covers off himself, pushing himself off the bed.

Rubbing his eyes, he walked towards his draws grabbing a few clothes before heading towards the bathroom to freshen up.

As he was showering he felt excited to go to school, he enjoyed school. Loves being able to spend time with his friends and girlfriend.

The only thing he does not like is that he never really gets to hang out with Jungkook at school. Since his basketball friends always hog him.

Taehyung is not part of the popular people in school, so at time's people judged Jungkook for hanging out with him.

With a loud yawn Taehyung turned stepped out the shower, dried himself off before getting changed. He looked at the time to see he needed to get to school in 15 minutes or he was going to be late.

After rushing to grab his bag he rushed down the stairs, greeting his parents who ignored his existence and walked out the door when he heard a car beep from outside.

He smiled when he saw Jungkook's car outside his house. Most morning's the basketball player picks him up and they head to school together.

"Morning Tae" Jungkook said as soon as Taehyung opened the door to the car.

"Morning Gguk" Taehyung replied, sitting down in the seat- making sure the seatbelt clicked.

"Let me guess you nearly slept in again?" The black-haired male chuckled as he started the car up and drove off.

"Okay, I nearly did but in my defence why do schools start so early anyways" Taehyung stated, pouting as his best friend laughed.

"That is a pretty shitty reason".

"Shut up and drive" Taehyung replied, ignoring Jungkook who had rolled his eyes.

"Your lucky Lakeside is not far from here, if I had to spend any longer in a car with you I think I would crash the car"

"Your a dick, for no reason at all" The brown-haired male pouted, slapping Jungkook's arm.

"You know I am kidding"

Taehyung looked at him to see the male's face remain serious until his best friend let out a laugh.

"If you stare at me you will figure out I was lying, so stop staring".

"Dude I knew you were lying as soon as the word 'you know' left your lips" Chuckled Taehyung, moving his eyes from his best friend to the road a head of them.

His eyes followed the college the was coming into view behind many tree's.

"Let's hope I can find a park" muttered Jungkook, soon groaning when the male next to him slapped his arm.

"Shut up, dont act like you dont have a whole car park dedicated to you, just cause your the top basketball player of the whole college"

"Well, no need to state how awesome I am" Jungkook confidently said.

"As soon as we get out this car, I am going to slap the confidence out of you" Muttered Taehyung, unbuckling his seat belt when Jungkook stopped the car.

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