27 | locker room make out?

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"How were classes?" Jungkook questioned Taehyung, sitting in his wet swimwear, both alone in the locker room.

"Pretty shit, not going to lie. The swim helped, though. How did you get the key?" Taehyung questioned, looking at his best friend, who was also sitting opposite him in wet swimwear.

"Coach lets us use the pool after training, and as captain, I have a key."

"It was nice to swim. I can't remember the last time I was in a pool", The brunette muttered, head looking down towards the floor as his legs swayed back and forward.

"How come your classes were shit?" Jungkook questioned, head wiping side to side as he tried to dry off his hair.

"Come here, dumbo", Taehyung chuckled, grabbing a dry towel as he stood up from his seat.

"Hey, I am not the dumbo here" The raven bit back, walking towards the brunette who smirked.

"You look like one, " the younger whispered, hands reaching to meet the male's wet locks as he ruffled the male's hair in a towel.

"This is so going to give me a headache", Jungkook complained

"Stop complaining before I give you a real headache" Taehyung lightly chuckled, pulling the towel away when the male's hair felt a little dry.

"You smell like chlorine", blocking his nose from the pungent smell, eyes meeting the ravens who rolled his eyes.

"We both smell of chlorine."

"Should we shower?" Jungkook questioned, eyes looking towards the empty shower stalls.

"Yeah, well, that was a waste of my time. Drying your hair, I mean," Taehyung commented, hands gripping the ends of his shirt to lift it and chuck it to the side.

"Are you just gonna wait there till I strip naked?"He questioned, turning his head to look at Jungkook, who stood there.

"Maybe, it is not like I haven't seen you naked before anyways. I don't mind the show, though," Jungkook hummed, sitting against the bench only for a wet shirt to come flying at him.

"Such a perv", Taehyung muttered, hearing Jungkook chuckle. After he heard some clothes drop to the floor, water hitting the floor, and the curtain screech, he quickly got changed, hands gripping his clothes as he stripped and rushed towards the stall next to Jungkook's.

He shut the curtain and turned the nozzle towards him, smiling when the water hit the ground. He stood there, feeling a little cold as he waited for it to turn warm.

"Why is this not warming up?" Taehyung let out.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that for this week, only one can be on at a time. They have some bill issues or something," Jungkook replied.

"Your fucking joking. Would it have been nice if you told me this before?" Taehyung questioned, turning off the shower.

"Sorry, not sorry", Jungkook hummed, continuing to shower as Taehyung smirked. He walked out of the shower stall he was in, gripping the curtain that separated both males.

Taehyung slid the curtain to the side, hoping and sliding it back. He gulped a little as he looked at Jungkook, who had his back towards him, hands running through his hair.

His eyes travelled lower to the male's ass. Nice ass. Taehyung looked back up when he watched the male's arm muscles clench under the warm water. He stepped closer until he was a breath away from the male's neck.

As Taehyung was about to place his hand on the male's back, Jungkook turned around. He was not flinching at all when they made eye contact. He knew that the brunette was standing behind him.

"Enjoyed the view?" Jungkook whispered, eyes never leaving each other. "Maybe", Taehyung confidently whispered, stepping a step closer.

"Would I be able to get to see the same view?" The basketball player questioned, eyes darkening as they both felt the air thicken. Taehyung gulped, feeling a burst of confidence as he slowly turned around.

The back was now facing the male; as he stepped forward, he felt Jungkook's burning gaze on his back. He knew best friends don't do this stuff. Why did it feel so good? Why did he like this? Why does this feel right?.

Jungkook's eyes met Taehyung's round, plumped ass. It looked so smooth that the male had the urge to place both hands against the globes, but he resisted. He stepped forward. His cock touched the male's bare ass cheeks as he left soft pecks against the male's neck.

"I know this is wrong", Jungkook whispered, pecking along the male's shoulders.

"But this feel's so right, " he continued, hands now gripping the male's waist. Taehyung could feel his heart beating against his chest.

He let out a few groans when he felt Jungkook suck on the side of his neck. Lingering pecks along his shoulders as his hands gripped his waist tighter.

Jungkook spun the smaller male around, so they were facing each other, their heated eyes locked onto one another as they seemed a little out of breath. "That night, at the party. I have not stopped thinking about it since it happened," Jungkook breathed out, hands creasing his waist.

The brunette knew he was talking about the make-out they had. He was the same. It was playing on his mind like a record.

He could not stop listening to it as if it was his favourite song. He spent days trying to forget about it, but whenever he thought of his best friend, that day would play out in his head.

"Is it bad that I want to kiss you" Taehyung whispered, eyes now to Jungkook's lips? The basketball player gulped when he heard those words come out of his best friend's plump lips. His eyes travelled to the said lips as they both stepped closer.

Both of them are now under the shower head. Without a second thought, Jungkook cupped the side of Taehyung's cheek, creasing it slightly before he leaned into the male's lips.

He was slowly connecting them. He smirked when the younger wrapped his arms around the male's neck. Jungkook moved his hand from the male's cheek back down to his waist. As their lips moved passionately against each other, they loved how it did not feel rushed. It was like the movies as if time slowed down.

As if no one else in the world existed, just them. When they both slowly detached their lips, they both made eye contact. Not one single look of regret plastered on their face.

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