Part 12

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Okay so this has been the longest hiatus or whatever u wanna call it I have ever done for updating this book and I am very sorry for the wait  but to compensate ill try to start updating once or twice a week to move thing along. Hope you guys enjoy .


The day after our game against Eito Gakuen, I learn from my borther that our coach, Kudou Michiya, had a fired because he had received the consequences of the goal that our captain had scored the day before. Tenma looked really sad ans affected by that news, and I'm not gonna lie I felt as terrible as he did. Fifth Sector had fired the coach that had been helping us out all this time. What's gonna happen to us next ?

We were heading to the football club for morning practice when I saw Tsurugi, so I told my brother that I would join him later at the club and headed the opposite way where Tsurugi was.

" Hey Tsurugi-kun" I said waving at him, he noticed me and stop walking but his face expression didn't change a bit by the sight of me, almost like I was disturbing him, rude much.

" What are you doing here, aren't u supposed to be heading to the soccer club, there gonna introduce the new coach sent by fifth sector today." 

" How did you know coach Kudou got fired??" 

" Have you already forgotten, I'm a seed from fifth sector I know everything that happens before the news actually comes out itself." Now that I think of it, it's true that he always knows everything, his usually the one who gives us the news, even tho it's bad, but his right. 

" OK so you know about that but do you know who's gonna be the new coach then??" I was proud of myself for asking such a question, since he knows everything he should also know who's the next coach, (Y/N) your such a smart girl 

"Hey...", so sad God didn't have enough brains to give Tenma aswell 

"Hey (Y/N)..."  he could really need it. 


"Huh?!?! Oh sorry, I was lost in my thoughts." I was so caught up in my own awesomeness that I forgot all about him 😅.  

" Anyway  I don't know who the next coach is going to be" And that's when it hit me....I WAS WRONG!?!? 


" I know but even the assistants and subordinates of the Holy Emperor don't know who he is, his the only one who is aware of the identity of the that's how it is" I was devastated, me who was calling my brother stupid 2 minutes ago, I'm exactly the same as him, I sighed, this is ridiculous.  

" Well we should get going then, don't want to miss the big event do we now, come on let's go." He just shrugged and followed me, didn't think he would actually but I'm happy he did.

When we arrived at soccer field I went down and and joined the team whereas Tsurugi just when to the side and waited. They were talking about who could the new can be and all and that's when I realised that Shindou, our captain wasn't here yet. I was going to ask Aoi if she knew anything about his absence but before I could, someone caught everyone's attention .

" Hello, is everyone here?" 

" Our captain isn't here but that's all" Kirino quickly answered, 

" Well then let me introduce myself, I am the new coach of the Raimon Jr soccer team, my name is Endou Mamoru." Everyone was shocked even Tsurugi, our new coach is The Endou Mamoru, the legendary goalkeeper Endou Mamoru, I was literally freaking out right now, so cool

3rd person Pov:

As (Y/N) was stuck in her own delulu world, coach Endou was giving the team some information about their first practice: he wanted them to gather at the riverbank's field to show them something that they won't be able to see anywhere else, although the only people who were actually interested where Tenma and Shinsuke and (Y/N) once she came back to Earth, the others just went there own ways. On Tsurugi side he was suspicious to why the Holy Emperor would have chosen to put make someone like Endou Mamoru the new coach of a team he wanted to destroy few days ago. Something was not right but he couldn't figure out what .

(Y/N) POV:

When we finally arrived at the riverbank after racing like crazy with Shinsuke and Tenma, the only people there where the three managers and the coach, coach Endou gave us a practice plan to improve our skills and after a while of training the senior players started to show up out of nowhere, me who thought they wouldn't come, and to my surprise the coach even spotted Tsurugi standing on the stairs, I don't know why but I was happy to see him here. The coach ask all of us to score a goal,I had scored a beautiful goal even though I say so myself, Tenma missed his but caoch said that the shot had power so it was good and then came Tsurugi. He scored with his hissastu that was directed to the coach but he just dogged it like the pro he is. Amazing.
After that I wanted to go see Tsurugi to ask why he came here but Tenma dragged me the other way because he was just sooo exited he wanted to go home and kick his soccer ball even more. I really wanted to talk to him, I sighed and followed Tenma home.

Meanwhile, mystery person's POV:

"Get ready Keito soon it'll be time for us to start our plan. No one will ever see it coming. " 

" Yes sir " 

" And don't forget your principal target Mat-" 

" Matsukaze (Y/N), I can't forget about her, I've been waiting to finally be able to meet her, trust me for nothing will I miss this opportunity sir , no nothing at all "


Well this is the end of this new chapter hope you enjoyed it.

Tsurugi: Tsk, yea right as if they ever will.

Me: If your not happy then just go, stalker dude. Anyways don't forget to vote and comment.

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