Part 24

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I wasn't walking with Tenma either, he was with Shinsuke. Basically I was walking out on my own. At night. In the dark. Alone. Now that I think of it I'm in a creepy situation...
Nope! I'll be fine just need to walk all the way home, in a straight line, not taking into account the weird shadows following me...and suddenly it hit me,

I was being followed...

When it finally struck me that not one but a group of multiple people were following me, first thing that came to my mind was literally, 'Am I going to die?'. I regretted not walking with that annoying twin brother of mine, though he wouldn't be as much of a help as I needed at this moment...but I regret it still. I regret not walking with Tsurugi, he at least, would've been a lot more useful then Tenma could ever be, even Keito! What was I thinking!

As fear tightened its grip around me, my heart raced, pounding in my chest like a wild beast desperate for freedom. I quickened my pace, hoping to shake off the ominous presence that lurked behind me. Every shadow in the dimly lit streets seemed to come alive, whispering sinister secrets that sent shivers down my spine.

I glanced over my shoulder, my eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of my pursuers. But the darkness played tricks on my mind, distorting shapes and blurring reality. Was it just my imagination, or were those figures moving closer? Panic surged through my veins, urging me to find safety, to escape this nightmarish ordeal.

As I quickened my pace, my heart pounding in my chest, the shadows seemed to grow larger and closer. Panic began to consume me, and my mind raced with thoughts of escape. I needed help, and I needed it fast.

I started running immediately, not knowing where to go or what to do, but I ran. But just my luck, the people following me ran after me aswell. This was bad.

As I continued running, I felt my body leaving me, this was all because of Kidou-san stupid military training, I was way to worned out to keep on going. This was really bad. I tried my best to keep on running and to keep my body going, but I couldn't.

Heading towards a dead end, I had reached my limit as my body collapsed on the floor... last thing I saw was three figures heading towards me, I coudn't see their face nor could I hear their voices, what does it matter anyway, I was a goner. Thats when my vision turned black, I had lost all consciousness, left in the hands of people I didn't know and wouldn't want to know.

Was this really the end for me...

The next day, Tsurugi's Pov:

As practice started, I couldn't help but notice (Y/N)'s absence, even yesterday. Usually, she would be walking with me to the hospital, her cheerful presence lighting up the path. But today, there was an emptiness, a void that lingered in her absence. I wondered where she could be. Well knowing her I shouldn't be that worried, she's some kind of crazy girl inside anyway, probably got grounded or something.

Tenma then approached us, gathering the whole team and Coach Kidou-san aswell, with a worried expression on his face. He told us, his voice filled with concern. "Guys, we need to talk," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "(Y/N)... she didn't come home last night. I think something bad happened to her."

My heart skipped a beat, and a surge of fear coursed through my veins. (Y/N), missing? It couldn't be true. Everything that happened around me immediately turned blank, I could hear Keito's loud mouth talking like usual, but I didn't even care to put those information in my head, "Did she say anything? Did she mention where she was going?" that's what he had said, and that was one heck of a stupid question, reason why I never listen to what he says.

Tenma shook his head, his eyes filled with worry. "No, she didn't say anything. She just left practice, I initally thought she was going to be with you Tsurugi. So I didn't think much of it at the time, but now..." His voice trailed off, the weight of the situation sinking in.

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