Part 13

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Me: Hello everyone, as I had said last week I will start updating weekly from now on!!!!

Tsurugi: You never said that, liar.

Me: What are you still doing in my house, and calling me a liar on to of that, jerk.

Tsurugi: This is ridiculous I'm out.

Me: Finally, well as I was saying before being rudely interrupted, I will be updating this book weekly from now on, every Thursday, if possible, or else it will be a day in the week after Thursday but it will be in the week. Well this is this weeks chapter, hope you you enjoy.



It's been a few weeks now since Endou Mamoru became our new coach, we entered the Holy Road Tournament and won our first match against Milky Way Charter School, all that with the captain and Sangoku-san taking our side and rebelling against Fifth Sector, even though the other members of the team are still against the idea. 

I was sitting down on a random bench at school, listening to some random music, when suddenly someone came and sat next to me and pulled my earbuds out, it was Aoi. Wonder what she wanted.

"Hey (Y/N), what are you doing out here all alone, why aren't you with Tenma and the others?"

 "There way to noisy for me, can't even here myself think when I'm around them" 

"As if you have the brains to think, you are Tenma twin after all." That's it I was offended, how could people compare me to him just because I'm his twin? This is so unfair ;-;  . 

During that time, Tsurugi's POV:

I had heard from some workers in Fifth Sector that, Endou Mamoru will be getting fired for ingoring the Holy Emperors desires and leading Raimon to victory, which was a good thing since it would make my job much more easier, but I wanted to verify for myself if those rumors were true or not after all they were only rumors.

 I headed to Raimon, and walked in the hallway while everyone was starring at me just because I wasn't in class like any other of those ordinary kiddos in there, well what did they excpect from me, I'm a seed after all, I don't need to go to class, and in anyways I hated school since, like, the beginning of my existence, 1 coz its boring and 2 I'm way to smart to be sitting down there with those scatter-brains. While I was passing by the last of the classes, I spotted (Y/N) literaly sleeping on her desk as if she was at home, and I don't really know nor understand why but the simple fact of seeing her made me happy, gotta snap out of it.

 When I reached my destination, I saw Endou Mamoru getting out of the principals office, which could only mean one thing, that he got called in here for what happened last time, which means that Fifth Sector did order that he gets fired, which meant he got fired, that's three things actually but the essential part is that he's out of my way. I saw him come out of the principals office, but he looked at me and....SMILED. What gives, isn't he supposed to be sad or something.

After that I decided to go to the hospital to pay a visit the reason why I'm working for Fifth Sector, my brother, Tsurugi Yuuichi.

Later on, Y/N POV:

It was time for our evening practice, coach told us who our next opponents were going to be, we were going to play against Mannouzaka Jr High, a strong team, while we were talking strategic and how to beat our next opponents, out of nowhere, Tsurugi appeared and came up to the us, now that I think of it its been a long time since I've last seen him. He came up to coach Endou and said:

" I want to play the next match" he said that so calmly, as if coach Endou was going to agree.

 "Okay Tsurugi, you will apart of the lineup for the next match", everyone was to stunned to speak even Tsurugi didn't believe waht he was hearing but after regaining his calm he simply said 

" I don't know what your planning, and don't want to know the only thing I want is to be able to play the way I want to." 

" Fine by me." What kind of joke is this, letting a SEED play with a team who is AGAINST Fifth Sector, and I wasn't the only one thinking that, Captain Shindou also spoke saying the exact same thing I was thinking. 

"Coach!!! Why would you let someone like him play with us when we are aiming for victory?" 

" Tsurugi will play with us because we are aiming for victory and he is going to help us achieve it." I don't understand this man, no one does, and that's when Minamisawa spoke up 

" Excuse me coach, I would like to leave the team, this is getting way out of hand for me, thank you" And just like that he left leaving everyone in shock, Kurama snapped in anger and blamed Tenma for everything, such a jerk, I was going to step in and take his defence but I didn't, it would only make the matter worse if I added my part in this. 

Me and my brother were heading back home, Tenma being as upset as ever because of the events that happened earlier, then we saw Tsurugi, walking out of Is he okay?This kinda seems like deja vu but I can't quit remember, I was going to ask him but Tenma started talking about how is it wrong to want to play real soccer, but Tsurugi just walked away and Tenma went the other way, so I quickly cought up to Tsurugi since I knew I couldn't do anything to cheer up my brother, I'm not the best at that, but I needed to know what the seed what up to. 

" Hey!!! Tsurugi-kun!!!! Wait up!!!" 

" It's you, what do yo want again, coming to complain like your brother did just now?" he obviously wasn't in the mood to talk but so was I 

" No, I'm here to talk about you, why would you want to play with us out of nowhere?? It just doesn't make any sense. " I said all that why panting to death after running like crazy, 

" That's for me to know and for you to find out." he simply answered without even looking at me, that was showing me that he wasn't wiling to talk to me at all, rude, 

" Ok, fine, Fifth Sector stuff. But then I have something else to ask you, last thing then I'll leave you alone. " 

"Ok, go on." 

" Why were you coming out from the hospital before, are you ok?" honestly I was kind of worried for him, even though he is our enemy, he isn't all that bad. 

" Why, are you worried perhaps, catching feelings for me already" he smirked shamelessly, jerk, how dare he make fun of me like that, that really pissed me off, 

" For your information, my standards are much higher than that you know, and I was only asking because I'm a good person and I don't want to see anyone in a bad condition,even my enemies, that's all" all that being said with such confidence from myself, I was proud, but then Tsurugi came up to me and smiled then said,

" Ok, well if you really are worried, I'm fine, so you don't need to be worried about me." and then he patted my head and went of to who knows where, living me with a racing heart, maybe he was right after all, maybe I am catchi- NO, NO, NO SNAP OUT OF IT (Y/N). And with that I headed back home. 

Tsurugi's POV:

This dumb girl really forgot why I come to the hospital did she, but I'm still happy she worries about me.

Match day, Tenma's POV:

Everyone was ready for today's match, Coach Endou had revealed to us that he wanted to get rid of Fifth Sector and wanted to know who would be apart of this, me, (Y/N) and Shinsuke were obviously going to partcipate, Shindou-san and Sangoku-san also and Kirino-san also joined in, but the other members of the team still kept on following Fifth Sector's orders, and well Tsurugi is what he is.

The match started with a kick off form the opposing team and right after, to everyones shock, Tsurugi stole the ball from the player, but then truned around and scored an own goal, who would have thought he could go this far to destroy us...



So this is the end of this chapter of you enjoyed it, don't forget to comment and vote.

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