Part 1

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I sat in my room staring up at the ceiling like I did everyday. I never got to go out. Well I did, but not as often as I wanted to. It was typical of my older sister, Ningguang, to keep me in my room in the jade chamber, and often would pile loads of paper on my desk. I wasn't a business woman like her. I preferred to explore and live life on the edge! Not be cooped up in a room hundreds of feet up in the air away from the world of hillichurls, ruin guards, and people like the traveler, xiao, xangling, and my inazuman friends shinobu, ayato, ayaka, and thoma.

I like to explore, mess up my clothes, dress in shorts, T shirts, and muddy boots! But Ningguang wouldnt allow me too. When we were younger our parents passed away and Ninggaung being the older one had to parent me and keep us alive, but she still did that over 10 years later. I felt like a trapped princess from a book I had been lended to me by ganyu. 

She had escaped after she found her true lover, but her fake witch mother had tried to kill him, and her tears saved him. They lived happily, I wanted to find my savor, but couldn't.  Not even the traveler could help me get out of here. Even if I snuck out the millelith would return me to the jade chamber. The only time I've been out of liyue was a while ago, to go to inazuma for official business with ninggaung, that's how I met thoma, ayato, and Ayaka. That was before the vision hunt decree though. Thankfully it is over now, and hopefully kazuha and beidou will help me escape one day.

"Lady y/n Ninggaung would like to speak to you" ganyu said as she popped her head through the door. I looked over at her and nodded. "What does she want?" I think as I roll my eyes and stand to walk out of my room. I walk to Ninggaungs office, and she doesn't speak a peep. "Eh hum" I cough. She looks up at me with her normal straight face.

"Y/n. Do you think you could go drop of these documents to yelan by chance?" She asks. I roll my eyes as I walk over to her and grab the documents. "Why can't you ever have anyone else do it and let me go and fight hillichurls" I say giving her a dark glare. She glared back at me with a nasty look. "Because I need you safe and not dead!"

"You're a horrible sister you know..." I say as I storm out of the jade chamber. Once I get down I walk to Yanshang Teahouse to find yelan. Along the way I see Childe who walks over to me. "Good day y/n!" He greets me. "Nice to see you again Childe. Now what do you want?" I ask with suspicion growing in my voice. "Nothing I swear, I was just saying hello" he laughs nervously as I grip my sword and pyro vision that hung from my hip.

"Well I need to deliver papers to a friend, so if I may-" Childe cut me off. "You want out of here right?" He whispered. "Yes, why?" He leaned closer. "I maybe able to help you get out of here? Where would you want to go?" He asked me. "What!?"

"Oh my archons y/n... what nation would you want to go to for archons sake!" Childe asked. I had thought about this multiple times, so of course I Already knew. "Inazuma" I quickly reply. "Pfft why there?" He asked laughing. "You harbingers I swear, we'll I must go, so good day Childe" I say walking off a little before he had called out to me. "Wait... if you can pack something's and be ready by tomorrow night I can gather my comrades and help you get a boat to inazuma." He said. I looked at him in shook. "Seriously" he shook his head yes. "Then I'll meet you back here in a bit so we can discuss this... this is the one and only (oni) time I'll be working with the futui though." I say in a serious tone, he just laughed though. I turn to walk and left him standing there so I could deliver these papers to yelan.

~{time skip}~

It was later in the day now and of course I had gone back to the jade chamber already. I was packing 2 bags with clothes, mora, a few more items. I didn't want to bring to much since I would have to be careful getting out later tomorrow night. Earlier after I had given those papers to yelan she had thanked me and I was on my way so I and Childe could talk about what the plan was. We had both decided on meeting at the harbor around midnight cause I knew Ninggaung outdoor be asleep by then, but ganyu and or keqing would still be up in their rooms working.

It was a while after dinner and so it made it easier to pack, since no one ever needed anything from me after the point of dinner. I looked over to my clock and sighed as I read the time. 10:54 (20:54 in military time, I think?) I put a book and some paper and pencils in my side bag so I wouldn't be overly board on the boat ride to inazuma tomorrow, but I'd probably be asleep. I stood up and walked over to my bed and hid the bags underneath it and then climbed in and went to sleep.

"Goodbye confinement, freedom here I come"

"Goodbye confinement, freedom here I come"

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The day started normally. I would get up, get dressed, eat breakfast if I had time, run papers and documents, stay locked away in my room, talk with ganyu and or keqing, and argue with Ninggaung. That was a normal day though, but day wasn't normal. Today was finally the day I would leave this hell hole of a nation. Yes  I loved my nation, but the reason I hated it was because of my sister... she always made things miserable.

But since today was different I had done my morning routine the same, get up, get dressed, eat, but instead of running papers, I had gone out to explore. I had gone to see if Zhongli was up for a stole and tea, but wasn't able to find him or Childe... those gay men.

(I have nothing against the LGBTQ+ so y'all know, I myself am bisexual and gender fluid, also please don't judge if you don't ship zhongli and Childe)

Instead I had headed to the adventures guild to see if I could find the traveler by chance, but couldn't. I then went to wangshung funeral parlor and stoped to see Hu Tao. Luckily she was there. "Knoc knock~" I say walking in as I spotted Hu Tao sitting atop of a coffin playing with a mini ghost. "Omg! Y/n it's been so long! How are you?" She asks in her usual mischievous yet happy voice. We hung out for a while before I had headed back to the jade chamber to grab my stuff so I could sneak out and leave for inazuma.

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