Part 7

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~{Itto's POV}~

"Itto?" Y/n asked me. "It's a long story, I don't wanna talk about it right now." I said as I started to walk off. "Wait up!" She yell after me. "Wanna grab some mochi!?" She ask. "Uhm, sure, why not" I said as I let out a soft smile. "Good, I like seeing you smile" Y/n said as she turned away from me and walked forward.

"What did I, a stupid oni like me, deserve to find such a beautiful and kind person like you y/n" I thought to myself. She was just beautiful. From the way she spoke, acted, walked, treated people. She was perfect. Then there was me. A loud, annoying, and dumb oni. All I did was cause people trouble. Y/n wasn't walking to far in front of me, but she was far enough to give each other our space. Which I so desperately wanted to close.

"Y/n?" I asked. "Ya itto?" She said looking back at me. "Why are you inazuma anyway?" I asked in curiosity. "To get away from my sister. She practically trapped me in her 'house' back in liyue, hundreds of feet in the air." She answered in a frustrated voice.

"Sorry if it's a sensitive topic" I said back as I tried to walk next to her. "It's fine. I'm away from all that now. I'm more free than I was, so it's fine!" She smiled as she started to walk backwards. "Now..." she started. "How about that mochi!" She laughed. I laughed along with her and just shook my head. "Oh your laugh."

"Hmm? What was that itto?" She asked. "N-Nothing! I'm just thinking out loud! Sorry..." I panicked as I rubbed my neck. "It's fine" she laughed. "Uhm, but ya. Mochi, let's go get it" I said trying to change the subject.

~{Your POV}~

"Y/n?" Itto asked. "Ya itto?" I said looking back at itto. "Why are you inazuma anyway?" He asked in curiosity. "To get away from my sister. She practically trapped me in her 'house' back in liyue, hundreds of feet in the air." I answered in a frustrated voice.

"Sorry if it's a sensitive topic" Itto said back as he tried to walk next to me. "It's fine. I'm away from all that now. I'm more free than I was, so it's fine!" I smiled as I started to walk backwards. "Now..." I started. "How about that mochi!" I laughed. Itto laughed along with me and just shook his head. "Oh your laugh."

"Hmm? What was that itto?" I asked. "N-Nothing! I'm just thinking out loud! Sorry..." Itto panicked as he rubbed his neck. "It's fine" she laughed. "Uhm, but ya. Mochi, let's go get it" He said trying to change the subject, though I heard his 'thought' loud and clear. "My laugh? Ha, he's cute"  I thought to myself as I and itto kept walking to a mochi stand back in inazuma city.

~{Time Skip cause I'm lazy today!!!!}~

It was now the next day, and damn was I tired and sore. After I and itto got mochi last night some tenryou officers had, of course, tried accusing itto of theft. And... Is it just because he's an oni? Is there someone dressing as him and saying it's him? Is there another oni? None of us know, but the blames on Itto.

We had ran and had to swerve in and out of trees almost all night, and here we were. Stuck under a tree in Chinju forest. We didn't even make it to the kamisato estate since we had zig zagged through the trees. Plus they would probably think we were planning to hide back at the estate anyway.

Currently I was leaning against itto and the tree behind us, so it wasnt the most comfortable. Though I had to say, itto was pretty comfortable to lean against. "You up?" I asked itto quietly. "Itto?" I asked again. "Ya ya sorry, I was just thinking" he said in deep morning voice. "Hot damn" I said under my breath. "Sorry?" He asked. "Nothing!" I said shyly as I covered my face, only for itto to laugh at me, which was deep and hot as hell! "Damn his morning voice" I thought, warm blush coving my face. "What's wrong" Itto laughed, getting close to my face. "Something wrong with having a deep morning voice or what?" He said with a scoff.

"Shut up!" I said pushing him away and standing up. Itto just let out another laugh and a wide smirk. "Make me" he teased. "Tch, stupid oni" I scoffed as I started to grab my satchel and sword. Itto stood up and stretched, then grabbed his claymore. "Says the one who seems to be falling for said oni." He said slyly.

"Ha, and said oni would be wrong" I laughed nervously. "Well said oni could make you" he paused but grabbed me and turned me to face him. "My one and Oni" he smirked. "You could try, but I've not once experienced love once in my life due to being stuck in a flouting building hundreds of feet in the air because I have a sister who thinks it's the best for me" I defended.

"So try your best mister arataki numero uno itto" I said patting his head in between his horns. "Oh I will, and you'll be my numero uno! My one and Oni, and so on miss y/n" He said, emphasizing 'My' as he held my chin up. "Hmph, try your best" I said taking his hand away from my face and walking back towards the kamisato estate, hiding the bright red blush on my face.

"Oh one last thing" Itto called out to me as he caught up to me. I quickly tried to hide my blush and turned to him. "Yes?" I asked itto as I turned to face the oni in front of me. "Close your eyes" he said with a small smirk. "Fine" I said as I rolled my eyes and then shut them, quickly feeling itto lift my chin and kiss me. It was short and felt... good?

"And an onikabuto for my oni ka... oni, damn it... it sounded better in my head" he said as he scratched the head. "I-its fine..." I stutter. "I uhm... imma go" I said with a dark blush on my face as I ran off. Hopefully the darkness of the forest hid my blush, soon making it to the estate.

"Y/n where have you been!!!! We've been looking for you everywhere." Ayaka yelled as she embraced me in a tight hug. Thoma came next and hugged me. "We were so worried" Thoma said sternly, but I was to busy thinking about itto kissing me. "Y/n?" Ayaka asked. "Sorry what!?" I asked getting snapped out of my dazz.

A/n: sorry this took a bit longer than expected, but I wanted this chapter to be perfect sooooo. HOPE IT WAS GOOD!!!! <333333

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