Part 4

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A/n: ITTO CAME HOME!!!! And I learned to skateboard!!!! Best last few days ever!


"H-hey leave him be!!!!" I yelled to the guy who had yelled at, itto was it? He look over to me, thoma and Ayaka "Yo!" He yell over at me. I jumped a little at his voice but looked over at him. "No need to protect the great sumo king arataki itto! I'm used to insults"  he laughed, but I was now more worried than before. "He's used to it... that's not ok, ya I know Ayaka said he isn't liked but, that's a bit harsh" I thought to myself. He just look at me reassuringly. "Heh... your tough, I like that" He said to me, looking me up and down before walking away officially now. I sat there for a moment still shocked at everything that just happened. People were now looking at me as if I were crazy.

"Why did she say all that to him!?"

"Why was she so nice to the oni! He's a freak!"

"What's wrong with her?"

"She must be new around here if she doesn't know how many times that oni's been arrested" 

People were now yelling at me. Yes he was loud, but I didn't see anything wrong with him. He seemed kind and sweet, unlike everyone had said. They were saying he was a freak, outcast, and lots more things. I felt bad for him. He seemed so kind!

"Y/n?" I heard thoma ask me. I turn my head to look at him. "Ya? What's wrong?" I asked him. "You just... damn, I don't think anyones ever tried to stand up for itto before" Thoma said with wide eyes. "Wait, really?" I asked. Now I felt even worse. I looked in the direction he had walked off in and saw his faint silhouette disappearing into the crowd of people. Hi head was hung a little low as he had his hands behind his neck.

"Let's get going so we can get to Kimora teahouse." Ayaka said interrupting my train of thought. I turned my head over my shoulder to look at her  and just simply nodded. "How can he be used to people being so mean to him like that" I think to myself

~{Ittos POV}~

"Boss you sure your ok?" Akira Asked, practically repeating what Genta had asked me earlier. I just nodded my head as I was deep in thought. "Why? Usually everyone's scared of me, especially woman!" I thought to myself as a image of her face had pooped into my head. Why would someone as beautiful as her help me out...

"Moo" ushi moo'ed as he bumped into my leg to run up to someone. I looked up and saw shinbu standing outside the ramen stand she told us to meet her at. "Hey itto, something looks wrong. What's up?" He asked. "Cant I be left alone to my thoughts for a little" I dead paned.

"He won't tell us" Genta butted in,  Akira and Mamoru nodded in confirmation. Shinbu gave me a questioning, yet scary look. "Geez I'm fine guys" I say with a laugh, though I was just confused. "Oh my archons I think I know now!" Mamoru said out loud. We all looked at him confused. "Itto's think about that girl, aren't you"

"Oh, A girl? Oh so powerful arataki sumo king please do tell about this girl!?" Shinbu said in a teasing manner. I just rolled my eyes and walked off. "Where are you going?" Genta asked. "For a walk, I need to clear my mind, come on ushi" I said walking off as ushi trailed behind me.

~{y/n POV}~

"Hey I think imma go explore for a bit" I say. We had finished lunch not long ago and I had changed out of the kimono Ayaka let me barrow in some new exploring clothes I had gotten. "Ok, be careful will you y/n" I hear ayato say as I grabbed my bag. I just laughed as I went over to them to say goodbye before I would come back. "Ya no promises" I laugh as I grab my sword from next to where I had sat.

Ayaka, Ayato, and Thoma laughed as I walked out the door. I took in a deep breath of the afternoon air as started towards konda village, which wasn't to far from inazuma city. I had heard from thoma that they had lovely beach's there so of course I'd want to go. It wasn't long before I had gotten there and noticed the oni sitting there looking over the the ocean with a mini bull next to him. I'm sure the bull noticed me as it had moo'ed and then ran up to me. The oni looked over to me, he seemed a little shocked as if he just saw a ghost.

"You" I heard him say. I tightened my grip on my bag, feeling as if I should run, but didn't. He stood and slowly started to walk to me. I had looked down as I felt something rub against my leg to see his bull next to me. "Looks like ushi likes you" he laughed. I look over to him as I let out a small laugh.

"You know you shouldn't have lie earlier" he says in a serious tone. "Wait what?" I ask as he stands in front of me. From afar he's tall, but he is really tall, so tall I need to look up at him a little. "What you said, you didn't need to tell them off. What they all said was true, I'm an outcast, you should be scared. I'm an oni for archons sake!" I look at him in pity. He doesn't deserve to be treated that way.

"Why? You shouldn't been treated that way, I don't even let anyone treat me like that! Like damn I just ran away from my stupid sister back in liyue. She probably has the whole nation on the look out for me!" I say to him. "I understand, I wasn't aloud to go out, and when I was I was called a freack, nobody liked me, they all saw me as just my sisters shadow." I say looking away now. He just stood there and looked at me.

"Itto" he said.


"M-my name is arataki itto" he said, looking at me with a soft smile. I stood there and smiled back. "Y/n L/n." I say as I stick my hand out. He takes it and we shake. "Well it's on honor to meet you mrs y/n" he says, making me laugh. "Moo!" The small bull next to us had moo'ed, trying to get out attention, making i and itto laugh. "And that's ushi! He's the best member of the arataki gang, well, next to shinbu" he laughs. My eyes widen at the mentioned of the name.

"Shinbu?" I question. Itto looked at me in confusion. "Ya why?" He asked me. "Kuki, shinbu" I say, saying 'Kuki' a little louder than I did 'shinsou'. "Uh, ya? You know her?" Itto asks me. "Ya! Me and her ere friends when she came to liyue to study law!" I say, now getting excited. Maybe me and itto do get along.

I and itto had sat down on the sandy beach, now laughing and telling each other about each other. "Ok ok ok, but like no joke, me and the traveler one time had to run from a bunch of hillichurls and this ruin hunter that had actived as we were fighting the hillichurls. We ran back the liyue harbor scared yet laughing and every though we were crazy! Then I ran into ninggaung and she was SO mad!" I laugh as I fall onto the sand. Now seeing that the sun was setting once again as itto layed down next to me.

"Oh" he said sitting up quickly. "We should meet up again sometime and I can teach you too Beetle fight!" He said with his eyes sparkling. I had to admit, he has a soft heart, and is definitely a man child.

"Hey that sounds fun! I'll have to see when I'm free and I'll try and find you" I say with a light laugh. "Eh, im practically always in ritou, or inazuma city." He says laying down again with his hands behind his head. It was silent for a while. Nothing was said up until we had parted ways.

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