Part 3

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A/n: im trying to update as much as possible right now cause school is starting next month again and I will be starting a part time job here soon so... please enjoy the fast updates as much as possible 😭❤️

Now, please enjoy, love all you lovely beautiful y/n's <3 and I will find you and hunt you down if you say your ugly 😤


Time passed on as I and thoma had been walking for a while. We were almost to the kamisato estate, just passing through Chinju forest when we had ran into a electro cicin mage. I look over to thoma who had grabbed his polearm, infusing it with his pyro as I took out my sword, doing the same as thoma had his polearm.I heard her laugh as she sent lose her cicin. I dodged a few and was even able land a few hits on the cicin mage herself.

After I and thoma had been able to knock her out we ran off towards the kamisato estate. "Whew, that was close" I laugh as we exit out of Chinju forest. "Indeed it was" Thoma says with a small laugh as we enter the estate. I sit on the steps of the beautiful house as the sun had started setting, now getting dark. Thoma had come over and sat next to me as we both caught our breath, laughing and joking every so often.

"Ok but like yesterday night I seriously debated gliding out of my window." I laughed.

"Dear archons y/n I can just imagine you writing to me like 'Dear thoma I wanted to be free. I felt like a bird, who should be free, but instead being caged. I couldn't let my sister to hold me back further from my passion of adventuring and exploring Teyvat! So, after I've met Childe yesterday morning who offered to take me to Inazuma, I packed my stuff at that night and got ready. I thought 'Why not just gliding out through the window instead of taking the chance that someone will notice me?'  So, I opened my window, jumped out, and started gliding to the docks. At least, I just wanted to get there." Thoma said and then started to think of more.

"I had a shitty stamina I couldn't make it, only to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's roof. And when I said I only made it there, I meant that I fell from 78 metres high on that roof and broke my leg. It was good tho that Hu Tao found me and asked if I want to get in a nice coffin and get burried. Even that would be better than my present state, here, back in the Jade Chamber, doing work after my sister slaped me becaouse I was 'stupid'. And I would reply with 'and this is your problem now that you can't come to inazuma to stay with me' and just laugh at you" Thoma laughed at his made up note that I had 'sent' him.

(Credits to@Chocopoky__  for saying this and letting me use this 🤣. This made me laugh so hard when you posted this comment, and thank you for letting me use it😂)

"Wow... that hurts thoma" I say putting a hand over my heart. "Ok but you do have shitty stamina" Thoma lauaghed. We both laughed as we heard a door open behind us. I turned to see Ayaka standing there, her eyes and smile wide. "Y/n!!! You didn't tell me that you were coming to visit!" Ayaka says running up to me and giving me a tight hug. "Haha about that... im not just visiting" I say with a nervous laugh.

"Wait what?" She asked, so of course I explained to her. "I ran away, I couldn't stay trapped there anymore!" I say with frustration of the thought of being stuck in a expensive bedroom hundreds of feet up in the air. Ayaka looked at me sympathetically. "I'm so so sorry y/n" she says with a small smile as she puts a hand on my back. Thoma starts to stand and walk to the door of the beautiful house of the kamisato's.

"Where are you going?" I ask him. "I have to cook, and I'll make all our favorites, including your favorite y/n (f/f)" he smiles. I get excited as he walked into the house and closed the door behind him. I had loved his cooking the last time we were here, and every so often he would send me recipes to his favorite dishes for me to try.

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