Part 8

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Sorry thought I'd make a tighnari meme🤣

K off to the chapter!!!!!!!

Also good luck on all of your 3.0+ pulls and wish's!!!!!! Personally aiming for tighnari and updating genshin as I post this.


"Y/n where have you been!!!! We've been looking for you everywhere." Ayaka yelled as she embraced me in a tight hug. Thoma came next and hugged me. "We were so worried" Thoma said sternly, but I was to busy thinking about itto kissing me. "Y/n?" Ayaka asked. "Sorry what!?" I asked getting snapped out of my dazz.

"Where have you been!?" Thoma asked once again. "With itto why" I say as I try to walk away and hide my blush, grabbing the small onikabuto off my head and holding it in my hands. "With itto!!!" Ayaka asked sternly. "Ya so" said as I turned my head to them. Thoma and Ayaka both had worried faces. "Y/n the millelith were hear asking if they knew where you were. That's why we are worried, and also because of itto. For crying out loud he is an oni and had been to jail multiple times!"

"Your not my mom Ayaka!!! Also ittos not as bad as everyone sees him to be!" I yell as I stomp of back to my room and slam the door. I lean my back against the door and slide down it. This all felt familiar. Like when I'd fight with Ningguang.

"God I hate you Ningguang... never let me have freedom, and now that I have it now Ayaka is after me" I sigh as I open my eyes to look out the window. Nothing exciting,   just a wall. A wall that kept me in like how the jade chamber did. Why did I always do this to myself. 

I then started to think. I looked back out the window and started to walk to it. I grabbed the bag I brought with me to inazuma and opened the window, jumping out it and sneaking around and out the gate. I ran back into Chinju forest and out, soon enough making it out. I ran as fast as I could to inazuma city, unfortunately running into millelith guards asking a few civilians near by. I was lucky enough to sneak around them but ran into another. This time face to face with him.

"LADY Y/N NINGGAUNG HAS BEEN WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU!!!" He yelled. I started to slowly step backwards, not paying attention and tripping over a rock and falling. "No no no" I whisper to myself. "STAY AWAY! THATS AND ORDER!" I yell. "Lady y/n I'm sorry but lady ninggaung has ordered us to bring you back to liyue if as safe as possible and return the other guards in surrounding nations back to liyue" he said.

"NO! Don't take me back there!" I cry, I see people standing all around whispering and catch a glimpse of red horns, green hair, and a small cow in the crowd. I wanted to cry for itto, but nothing could come out of my mouth, nothing. "Itto help!" I thought as I drew my sword, infusing it with pyro. "I'm not going back to my sister! None of you know the things she's done!" I scream as I hold my sword in one hand, other free and pushing me off the ground.

I look over to itto who had a concerned face, then to the familiar green haired girl, shinobu, who had the eyes of shock, and worry. I was able to muster up enough confidence now and screamed as loud as I could. "ITTO!!!!"

~{Itto's POV}~

A/n: this starts from earlier in the morning just so you all know. Also half of this will be just copied and pasted from the last chapter but changed to itto's pov of it ofc.

"You up?" Y/n asked quietly. "Itto?" She asked again. "Ya ya sorry, I was just thinking" I said. "Hot damn" She said under her breath. "Sorry?" I asked. "Nothing!" Y/n said shyly as She covered her face, causeing me to laugh . "What's wrong" I laughed, getting close to her face. "Something wrong with having a deep morning voice or what?" I said with a scoff.

"Shut up!" She said pushing me away and standing up. I just let out another laugh and a wide smirk. "Make me" I teased. "Tch, stupid oni" She scoffed as She started to grab her satchel and sword. I stood up and stretched, then grabbed my claymore. "Says the one who seems to be falling for said oni." I said slyly.

"Ha, and said oni would be wrong" Y/n laughed nervously. "Well said oni could make you" I paused but grabbed y/n and turned he to face me. "My one and Oni" I smirked. "You could try, but I've not once experienced love once in my life due to being stuck in a flouting building hundreds of feet in the air because I have a sister who thinks it's the best for me"she defended.

"So try your best mister arataki numero uno itto" She said patting my head in between my horns. "Oh I will, and you'll be my numero uno! My one and Oni, and so on miss y/n" I said, emphasizing 'My' as I held her chin up. "Hmph, try your best" She said taking my hand away from her face and walking back towards the kamisato estate.

"Oh one last thing" I called out to her as I caught up to y/n. "Yes?" Y/n asked me as She turned to face me. "Close your eyes" I said with a small smirk. "Fine" She said as I rolled my eyes and then shut them, quickly feeling lifting her chin and kissing her. I kept it short, but it felt good to do. I'd never felt this way towards someone before, and for the first time ever I felt good about love.

"And an onikabuto for my oni ka... oni, damn it... it sounded better in my head" I said as I scratched my head. "I-its fine..." Y/n stutter. "I uhm... imma go" She said with a dark blush on her face as She ran off. I only laughed as I watched her run off. "Dumb ass" I said under my breath with a smile as I started to walk off.

~{Time skip, still Itto's POV}~

Getting into inazuma city I found shinbu and ushi at a stand so went up to them and put an arm on shinbu's head. "SUP DEPUTY NUMERO TWO'O OF THE GANG!" I laughed. "Ugh itto would you quite down and stop calling me that damn name" she said in an irritated tone, lifting my arm off her head. Ushi huffed and I crossed my arms. "See even ushi agrees with me! Numero two'o!" I repeated.

"No itto stop, and it would be numero dos, not two'o.. that's not even a word" shinbu huffed as she rubbed her face. "Thanks" she said as she grabbed a bag of iteams and started to walk off. "Wait shinbu don't leave me!" I shout after her. we were walking around and we heard screams come from near the adventures guild. I and shinbu both looked at each other and then started to sprint towards the crowd of people, shoving our way through.

"On the other side of the crowd was the one and only, y/n. Sitting on the ground gripping her sword in one hand and holding herself up with the other. "NO! Don't take me back there!" She cried, people were now standing all around whispering. I looked over to her, her know seeing me. She sat and looked between me and shinbu for a few seconds, fear filling her eyes, then drawing her sword and infusing it with pyro. 

"I'm not going back to my sister! None of you know the things she's done!" She scream as She held her sword in one hand, the other free and pushing her off the ground. Oh how I wanted to go push everyone out of the way and just hold her tightly. She looked back over at me and shinbu in fear. All I could do was stand and watch. It all felt in slow motion as a soldier started walking towards her, then I heard it. Her soft voice now horse and sore sounding screaming for help again.


A/n: not ever story is a happy story😚

But hoped you enjoyed this chapter, as I finish writing this 3.0 HAS BEEN RELEASED! And I have updated my game!!!! Leave me a comment of who you want to roll for, it can be 4* or 5*! Personally I'm rolling for Tighnari tho I want to C1 my zhongli really bad rn... but I only have like 16 wish's... so ya!!!! And it took  me forever to get zhongli, plus I only am at like 42 pity😭😭😭

But wish you all luck on your roles!!!!! <3333

My one and Oni ~{IttoxReader}~Where stories live. Discover now