Part 5

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A/n: so it's been a little! I've been wrighting and editing this chapter and trying to get ideas for another story I've been working one since, February? Maybe later, idk, and I've also been learning to skateboard, been preparing for school, and some other stuff, but please enjoy this chapter and that edit that I found a while ago and just made me simp for itto even more😭

And I found this picture someone drew and now I can't stop seeing itto as flynn rider from rapunzel, and then got the thought of inosuke from demon slayer as Flynn rider AND CANT STOP SEEING THAT TOO!!!! I seriously need help😭😭😭

And I found this picture someone drew and now I can't stop seeing itto as flynn rider from rapunzel, and then got the thought of inosuke from demon slayer as Flynn rider AND CANT STOP SEEING THAT TOO!!!! I seriously need help😭😭😭

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It's had been a few days since I had meet itto. I had been busy the last few days but I knew today I could have some time off, so I decided to go see itto, or more less try to find him. Currently I am walking around inazuma city and haven't found him yet, but then again it was still early in the day, maybe 10:30 ish?

"Where could he be?" I thought to myself, then thinking back to what he had said to me the other day. "im practically always in ritou, or inazuma city." 

"Ah that's it!" I said as I turn around a start to walk out of inazuma city, but at the last second heard a loud cheerful voice. "Y/n wait up!" I turned around to see itto running towards me. "Where have you been, I haven't seen you in a few days. Are you trying to ignore me? I'm sorry if you don't-"

"Itto chill! I just got busy and didn't have any off time in the past few days, but I was seriously about to go to ritou to try and find you" I say as I laugh at him thinking I had left him. It made me feel kinda sad at the same time since he thought I didn't like him. "Hey wait, what's this" I say as I grab his face noticing a few scratches and bruises, then noticing them on the rest of his body.

"Hmm? What do you-" I cut him off. "All these bruises and scratches" I say with a hint of worry in my voice. "Oh... uhm.. I-I kinda got into a fight?" He said as he rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous laugh. I just gave him a bit of a worried look. "Come on" I say with a loud sigh as I grab his hand and lead him to Kimora teahouse to fix his wounds.

"Y-y/n wait, I swear I'm just fi-AHHH" he said, but cut of his fine with a stretch as I had sat him down in a private room in the tea house. "Itto you might've gotten them good and clean but you need to keep healing them" I say as I grab a first aid kit that was in the room. "Ya know, you kinda sound shinbu when you talk like that" he said as he let out a laugh. "I mean, I spent some good time with her when she came to liyue for her studies so" I laugh "but how is she anyway?" I ask.

"She's been doing good I guess. She's been bailing me and the gang out of jail here and there, kinda takes care of us. She kinda like our babysitter and it's really annoying" itto says a he lets out a frustrated huff. I laugh as I get the hydrogen peroxide out to help clean his wounds. "Sit still, and this may hurt a bit, so I'll just say sorry now. Even though I'll probably say it a few more times" I say as I look itto in the eyes.

I grab his chin and tilt it down a little as I kneel down on the floor and clean the wounds on his face first. Every so often I'd hear him hiss in pain and I'd say a soft and quick 'sorry'. He had seemed to handle it well, other than the deep and big cuts and scrapes. I had now moved onto the ones on his arms, but got distracted by his markings. They were fascinating to say the least.

"Looking at my markings?" Itto questioned, which caused me to jump a bit making him laugh. "It's ok, I'm used to people looking at me so I don't mind" he paused for a second "if you'd like you can touch them?" He says in a sort of soft yet nervous voice. I look at him a little shocked and then looked back at the markings that ran down his arms and all over his hands and the rest of his body.

I let my hand softly touch the red pattern in his skin. Unexpectedly he had soft skin. I ran my hand down the marking on his arm down to his hand, tracing the marks that covered his hand. I stoped as I flipped his much bigger hand over to see the various shapes of red stained into his skin. Looking back up at him I saw a faint blush in his checks as I touched the markings on his face that went from his eyes, to his neck, and down the sides of his torso. He had this one marking that looked like a waypoint marker on his chest just above his abs.

By now I new I had been staring, but I could feel ittos stares as I knew he was also looking at me. I looked up at him as I meet his eyes, his face a brighter red than it had been before as he looked away as if trying to hide that he too was looking at me. The small detail made me giggle as I went back to cleaning his wounds, soon finishing them and rapping the deeper ones in bandages.

"You should be ok now" I say as I stand to put the aid kit away, but itto grabs my wrist and pulls me back, causing me to land in his lap. "AHHH!" I scream as I land on top of itto. "S-sorry I didn't mean to pull you back down!" Itto says I'm shock. "My body kinda just moved on its own!" He said in a sorry tone.

"I-It's ok" I say as I failed to not stutter. I mentally face palmed myself for stuttering. I could definitely start to feel the blood rush to my cheeks as I realized the position I and itto were sitting in. My legs were sat over one of his legs, one of his hands were on my hip, my hands on his shoulders, and our faces almost touching.




         Oh but his lips looked so soft...NO WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING!?!?!

A/n: hoped you all enjoyed this, have a good day/night everyone <3

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