A/n ish....

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Hello simps I call friends and follower!!!!! I have an announcement to make... it's not overly the best but I'm trying. I'm having a lot of trouble here lately. From motivation, depression, getting distracted, my medical issues, school starting last week, and working one 3 books about characters I kin, simp, or just really love in general for all of you, so I'm super stressed and tired. Insomnia and not sleeping enough is catching up to me and tho I get lots of free time at school, im not comfortable enough to write there so... ya... so I'm sorry, but chapters will probably delayed for a while. Especially on my reki and Hashida x reader, cause half the time I go back a rewatch parts of animes so I get more idea of the characters themselves, but with itto... im a lot like him, main him, and know a lot about him,so it's easier, plus I'm farther into the book sooooo. But again, sorry for delays, stay hydrated <3333

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