Part 11

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A/n: sorry this chapter will probably short and I'll continue it later.


Almost a week passed since the... unholy actions, happened. You were sitting on the floor with Ushi and the rest of the Arataki gang when itto burst through the door. "Guys!" He yelled. "We should all go scare people at the test of courage!" He seemed excited, but everyone made some kinda excuse. "Meh I just wanna play ultimate invocation TCG" or "I have plans". Coming from different members saying different things. Itto looked towards me. "Y/n, you wanna come with?" He asked with a sad expression. 

"How could I say no?" I smile as I stand up. I heard a small "yes" escape Ittos lips, making me giggle a little. "Ok, lead the way oh great Arataki Itto" I smile. "Your feeding his ego y/n!" I hear shinbu yell as we're halfway out the door, causing me to yet again laugh."Well where is this test of courage?" I asked Itto as we started to walk. "Chinju Forest" he said bluntly with a smile. "Well, I'll race ya!" I laugh before taking off down the street. "Huh! H-Hey! WAIT UP! OH ILL WIN THIS RACE!" Itto laughed as he took off after you.

~{Time Skip because I'm lazy asf and I know I need to write something even with 0 motivation}~

"Holy shit, you run fast!" Itto breaths heavily. "Told ya I'd win" you laugh as you try to catch your breath. We were one of the first people there, other than kazuha, gorou, and Ayaka. "Oh my god, Ayaka! Kazuha!" You yell as you run over to the elegant woman and sleek wandering swordsman. "Oh, hello y/n!" Ayaka waves. "Hello" Kazuha greets. "It's been a hot minute since I've seen you kazuha, and a little bit since I've seen you Ayaka" you smile. "Wassup guys!" You heard itto say from behind you as he puts and hand on your back. 

Ayaka looks at you, then itto, then back at you before a smug look makes it's way to her face. "Hello itto" she smiles. "So~ are you two?" Your face quickly flushes thousands of shades of red. "W-What! Uhm... it's complicated" you shyly laugh. "Mhm" kazuha laughs before turning to walk away. "I'll talk to you all later, I'm going and partnering up with Gorou"

"Mk have fun" you wave to Kazuha. "I'll leave you two" Ayaka smirks. "Ayaka, shut, up" you blush. "What! I didn't say a word!" She laughs before walking away. "What?" Itto says innocently. "Nothing" you smile. "Let's just go get the information so we can start" you suggest. "Oh no. We're scaring people!" Itto says smugly. 

Sorry this was short, I just didn't have a lot of motivation. I'll probably end up doing more of this later.

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