Part 9

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~{Just went and changed some spelling and stuff don't worry)

"NO! Don't take me back there!" I cry, I see people standing all around whispering and catch a glimpse of red horns in white hair, a green haired girl with a mask, and a small cow in the crowd. I wanted to cry for itto, but nothing could come out of my mouth, nothing. "Itto help!" I thought as I drew my sword, infusing it with pyro. "I'm not going back to my sister! None of you know the things she's done!" I scream as I hold my sword in one hand, my free hand pushing me off the ground.

I look over to itto who had a concerned face, then to the familiar green haired girl, shinobu, who had the eyes of shock, and worry. I was able to muster up enough confidence now and screamed as loud as I could. "ITTO!!!!" I yell, putting my whole heart into my cry.

Soon after that things went black as one of the millelith knocked me out, but before I was fully blacked out I heard Itto yell out. "Let her go!" And a bright flash of light along with fast moving foot steps.

~{No ones POV}~

Just as you were about to pass out itto started to run through the crowd, "let her go!" He yelled as he pulled out his claymore, infusing it with geo power. He stood in front of your knocked out body that lay on the ground, worry filled his mind.

"Stay with me" he thought as his eyes darted between you and the millelith guards trying to take you back to liyue. He didn't want you to leave, though he knew you'd try and come back. He like, no loved, having your company and just you. He loved you to much to let you go. He had to keep you safe.

Ushi had ran over and started to ram into the millelith's legs, which was actually quit funny. Shinobu just shook her head and ran over, letting her electro rings spin around her. Her and itto just looked at each other, agreeing on one thing for once in a blue moon. They had to keep you safe.

Shinobu liked you as a friend and knew her boss well enough to know he'd want to keep you safe. She's risked her life for you before and will do it again.

"Shinobu watch y/n , I'll handle these guys" itto said as he slightly stepped away from your unconscious body, only to slightly look back at you. "I'll keep you safe as much as possible" he whispered as he turned away and started to swing is claymore at the guards.

~{Time skip, your POV}~

"Is she looking ok shinbu?" I heard itto's voice ask as my eyes started to flutter open. "Itto chill out, her pulse is fine and she's breathing. Look..." shinbu said in the distance. I turned over on my side covering my eyes, the sun was bright and my head hurt. I let out a soft groan of pain and heard worried footsteps approach me.

"Oh my fucking archons! Y/n, hey are you ok!?" Itto asked me abruptly. "Itto don't be so loud." I hissed in pain. "Y/n is right. She got hit in the head pretty good, so she's gone be sore and have a headache, or even a migraine. So let her rest for a bit itto." Itto let out a soft sigh after shinbu's remark. He placed his larg hand on my small one and rubbed it. "Just please get better. I'm sorry you got hurt" Itto said before I heard him stand up and walk away. A door slid open and closed softly, more foot steps approached.

"You ok there?" A soft feminine voice asked. I opened my eyes a little only to shut them quickly due to the light. "Shinbu?"I asked. "Sup" she said softly. "Been awhile huh? Finally getting away from that sister of yours?" She asked. "Ya, but as you can tell that didn't end up to well." I said as I tried to sit up. Shinbu only laughed softly at my comment as she helped me sit up.

"Itto really cares about you" shinbu said with a soft a sweet tone. "He's always talking about you and was worried about you after you passed out, and wouldn't leave your side. Eventually I had to kick him out of the room so he could get some air but then came back right before you woke up. You mean a lot to him" she says in a soft, but now more serious tone than before. "He's never acted this way about someone in the time I've known him. That says a lot." She chuckled. I let out a soft laugh along with her. I tryed to open my eyes yet again, this time ending up with a squint. At least I could kinda see.

"Thanks shinbu." I say to her. "Hmm? For what?" She asks. "Taking care of me, and being there for itto" I smile at her. "Not a problem, it's kinda my job." she laughs. The door slides open slightly, i peak over and see a pair of red eyes looking at me. I softly laughed and just motioned itto to come in, which he quickly did. "Y/n you scared the shit out of me!" He screamed as he quickly lunged at me, ending up in a hug on the floor.

Shinbu let out a sigh as she backed away and mouthed to me "I'll leave you two(2) alone" and leaving the room quietly. Itto just sat there holding me for a while in his lap as if I were a baby, which was annoying. "You worried me a lot" he finally said to break the ice. "Sorry" was all I said. The room went quiet again but ended up with itto letting out a loud sigh as he turned my body to face him.

"Look, y/n, I love you and I was scared I was gonna lose you. And all you say is 'sorry', well I guess that's hard to answer but still. I thought I didn't act fast enough and you had died by the time I got over to you!" Itto said as he started to let out a few tears. "I-... itto I'm sorry I didn't kno-" everything was silent. The gap was closed. Itto had kissed me once again. But, this time it was different and longer. After he let go the felling of his lips still lingered on mine. 

"Y/n listen. I. Love. You. Please listen. You caught my interest the moment I saw you. I don't care if you don't like, or love me too, and I know I've said this a few time before now but I can't just stop myself. Ever second I see you I can't help but feel..." he paused. Only soft breaths left his lips now. "I feel I'll ruin what we have know, and I've never felt this way for someone before so I'm scared I'll mess things up ok!" He said looking at me with worry and tear filled eyes. All I could do was look back at him and shock and reach my hand up to face to wipe the tears away.

I didn't know what to do. Yes I loved him to, no, I don't know. I wasn't sure how I felt back, but I knew I liked or loved him in some kind of way. Words he had only just said this morning replaying in my head. The air felt tense and tight. All I and itto could do was stair at one another, before itto kissed me again. Long and soft, but still full of love.

HEHEHEHE LEFT YALL ON A CLIFF HANGER BITCHS!!!!!!!! Sorry I'm just preparing myself for the next chapter cause uh, phew is it getting hot in here or is to hot and spicy shit coming in the next chapter 🥵

Cause like damn, it's gonna be some spicy shit like some of you have asked for👀

So just a warning for anyone who doesn't wanna read anything NSFW, and also if it sucks or some shit, like to detailed/graphic, not enough detail, uhm that shit is that, this next chapter will only be my second NSFW kind writing shit so. Hope you enjoyed and hope you enjoy the next chapter as well!!!!! BYEEEEEE <3333

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