Part 10 🍋

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A/n: this chapter will contain 18+ content, so if you aren't comfortable reading this kinda stuff, then don't read this chapter!



I didn't know what to do. Yes I loved him to, no, I don't know. I wasn't sure how I felt back, but I knew I liked or loved him in some kind of way. Words he had only just said this morning replaying in my head. The air felt tense and tight. All I and itto could do was stair at one another, before itto kissed me again. Long and soft, but still full of love.

I felt itto lean into the kiss even more, putting a hand on my waist and pushing me onto my back. I was now laying on the floor, itto's much larger body hovering over mine. Itto broke the kiss, taking deep breaths as he starred into my eyes, then down my body and back to my eyes. I saw a small smirk appear on ittos face as he started to rub his thumb on my waist. His smirk then slowly left his face as he sat up and rubbed his face.

"God damnit" he whispered to himself in frustration. "God I'm sorry y/n. I feel bad that I did that" he said looking at me with a sorry and frustrated look in his eyes and on his face. I felt bad, and even wanted to say something but I couldn't. "I-... Itto..." I said looking down, my face turning redder than a jueyun chili itself. "Please continue" I said shyly as I slowly looked up at a blushing itto.

~{No ones POV}~

Itto looked at you as if he was dreaming, but in fact he wasn't. "But, y-y/n I don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable or even forced into this" itto said cupping your face. "No, I want this" you said with passion in your eyes. "Or even to try it. Itto I-... god I don't know, I'm not sure how love truly feels but if I'm going to experience it with anyone I want it to be with you" 

Itto looked at you with lust filled eyes, a small smirk appearing on his lips. "Oh, ok then. Challenge excepted" we smirked as he closed the gap between you both yet again. His kisses were rougher this time around. He took his time before biting down on your bottom lip, allowing his tongue to enter you mouth. You tried to entangle yours with his, but his dominanted over yours.

Itto trailed his hands down your much smaller figure, breaking the kiss to move to your neck. He left open mouthed kisses across your neck and collarbone, ever so often bitting down to leave light hickeys. Soon one of his hands reached to the end of your shirt, sneaking under and up to your chest, resting right under it.

"Your sure you want this?" Itto asked pulling his head away from your neck. You only softly nodded as you tried to hold back small moans. Itto only smirked as his hot breath hit your neck. "You might regret this in the end, but anything for you love" he said in a sly voice as he smirked against you neck, shivers racing down your back.

Itto sat up, sitting criss crossed on the floor. His gaze locked on you. "Come" he said as he patted his leg. You looked at him with wide eyes and a deep blush on your face, slowly making your way over to him. Once in front of him he picked you up and placed you right over his member. Itto lifted your chin as he grabbed your hip.

He kissed you soft as he started to run his hand up and down from your hip, to your thigh. Soft and quiet moans escaped your lips onto his. He smirked against the kiss as he started to grind his hips against yours, causing more moans to escape you, and a low grunt from him. 

He parted his lips from yours, moving to your neck. "God your scent" itto moaned against your neck, causing you to let out a shaky breath. Which definitely turned itto on even more as he had started to grind against you faster, letting out a few "fucks" as he grinned you against him. You let out a few soft and quiet moans as all itto could do was relish in your presence.

"Fuck, god you drive me crazy" Itto shakily said. "Fuck it, take this off" he started to help you take off your shirt, then pants. Then he did the same. He pushed you onto the ground, bitting on your neck making you moan. "God she's addicting" was all  itto had thought since the start of this. You on the other hand were already unraveling under ittos touch and couldn't focus or think about anything, unless it was you think stuff like "fuck" or "god damn". Ya your head was empty, you weren't even there anymore at this point.

"God i-itto dont, fuck, don't be so rough" you whimpered. Itto only smirked against your neck, sliding one of his hands to you chest, starting to play with one of you breast. You let out a soft moan, which made itto let out a sly chuckle as he started grinding against you again. "Oh? Are you moaning because of me!?" Itto asked sarcastically as he started to lean close to your ear. "I feel so special" he chuckled as he pushed into you. You moaned loudly as itto, as well, grunted loudly.

"Fuck your tight" Itto whispered to himself, though he was definitely saying it to you. "I'll go soft and slow... for now" he laughed. "I warned you" he said as he started to thrust himself into you. My quickly covered your mouth as itto thrusted into you, trying to silence your moans. Itto wasn't overly happy at this and grabbed your hands, holding them above your head. Soft loud moans filling the room. The once's silent room now filled with the sounds of moans, which itto was happily enjoying.

"I-itto, s-slow down" you moaned out shakily, which only made him want to tease you more.

A/n: ok so I started getting a lil awkward writing this chapter so, sorry it's cut short. You can imagine what else happens 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

Hope this was at least some what good and hope you enjoyed 😅❤️

Update!!! Might add more into the next chapter cause I'm feeling not so lazy... idk still trying to decide.

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