Part 6

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A/n: sorry the video was funny🤣

Now onto the story😂


"Hehe sorry" I say as I had quickly stood up, dusting myself off in the process. Itto had just sat there looking away as he rubbed his neck. "Nah i-it's fine" he laughed nervously. The air in the room felt ever so slightly tenser now. "Damn wha the hell were you thinking y/n! You've barely known him that long and your already thinking about him kissing you!? What the hells wrong with me" I think to myself as I place the first aid kit back onto a self in the room. 

Everything was quiet and I couldn't help but feel more nervous than before as butterflies danced in my stomach. "Why are you acting this way y/n!" I yelled at myself again. "Y/n?" Itto asked, causing me to be startled. "Dear archons you scared me" I gasped. "Hehe sorry" itto had said casually.

"But ya sorry, what's up?" I asked him nonchalantly. "Uhm... wanna check out some cool places in around here with me maybe?" He asked as he rubbed his neck. "I know a good food stand and a cool place I usually chill at with ushi..."

"Uhm... y-ya sure"

"Great" he says as he stands up and grabs my hand, pulling me out the door and down the street.  "Ah! Wait itto hold on" I say as I abruptly stop. Itto turns too look at me with a confused expression on his face. "Ya" he asks. "You don't need to run, and we still got some time to make it there if it's not to far of a walk." I say as a suggestion. He just shrugged as he let out a small laugh. "Ok then, come on" he said take my much smaller hand into his much larger hand before running of again.

"Itto I swear to the archons no need to run!"

~{time skip, cause I'm lazy and supper behind on this story!}~

Soon we had retched a little island with lights and stalls lined against the miniature path. It had beautiful cherry blossoms and in all, was just a relaxing place. "Now I see why you hang out around here often" I say as we sit on a part of the mini beach away from the stalls and vendors. "Ya it's pretty chill here right! Sometimes yomiya sets off fireworks and from here at night, it's beautiful!" Itto says excitedly with sparkles in his eyes.

I just softly laughed at his childish behavior as I looked out over the water the shun like the pearls on watatsumi island. The sun was warm on my skin as I sat there, but not hot enough to make me sweat like crazy. "Hey what's that?" I asked as I stood up seeing something in the water  peak out. "Huh?" itto asked.

"Look right there! It looks like a lizard or something! It's in the water!" I say as I back up from the water. "You mean the Unagi! It's just a type of eel! They taste pretty good not gonna lie." Itto said nonchalantly. "Ya and they look weird!" I scream as I back up more as itto inches closer to the water. "Itto what are you doing!"

"Shh, I'm trying to catch one!" He says back to me as he dives face first into the water. "GOT YA!" He yelled as he held it up. He stood up and started to walk over to me with it in his hand. "No, itto get it away." I squealed. "Aww are you scared of it!" He laughed as he inched closer, a smirk slowly growing on his face. "YES GET IT AWAY!" I yell as he starts chasing me with it.

"ITS GONNA GET YOU!" He yelled after me. "Itto stop!" I cry as I run across the beach to try and get away from him, but his much longer legs were no match for my shorter ones. "Got ya too!" He laughed. "Get that thing away from me!"

"I through it back in the water don't worry" he laughed as he let go of me to show me he didn't have it anymore. "Your mean" I say as I turn away. "Ha! Can't blame an oni for trying" he said as he let out a laugh. "Oh come on y/n it wasn't that bad! It was just an unagi!" He said with a softer laugh now. "Humph ya whatever"

"Really! Tch, your no fun" he pouted as he sat back down on the sand. "Really itto I was messing with you! I'm sorry" I say as I run over and sit in front of him. "Ya well I thought you were mad at me so" he said puffing out it cheeks and looking away. "You really are a man child..." I say with a soft laugh.

"HEY!" He said now sounding offended. "Well you are!" I laugh, almost falling over. "Tch whatever see if I let you see Kuki then" he said with a small smirk. "Oh now your using fighting words! You oni really are mischievous" I pout as I stand up to walk away. "Hey wait for me! Plus I'm not a man child, and I'm not that mischievous!" He pouted as he ran after me, quickly catching up and using my head as an arm rest.

"I'm not your arm rest mrs arataki itto!" I say as I cross my arms over my chest. "Well if you shorter than me you are." He said with a smile. "I don't think there is anyone who's taller than you" I say, which only boosted his confidence. "Well of course there is... well, was" He said, then taking his arm off my head and stopping. "What's wrong?" I ask. "My dad was taller than I am now... I'm around what my moms height was. Never mind them though, their a story for another time" he said as he faked a smile.

"Itto?" I asked. "It's a long story, I don't wanna talk about it right now." He said as he started to walk off. I stood there for a second looking at his fading figure before running after him. "Wait up!" I yell after him. "Wanna grab some mochi!?" I ask. "Uhm, sure, why not" he said as he started to let out a true smile. "Good, I like seeing you smile" I says turning away from him and walking forward.

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