Bonus/Break Chapter

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Thought id write a chapter like this so I can get back into writing. So here are "Thoughts every Genshin player has at least once and why we and when we think these things" because I need to write and I just watched a genshin music video of run away that made me cry! Video above.


- while watching beautiful cut scenes, exploring, or hearing the characters talk "I wish I could be part of their world"

- when a character is in pain "I wish I could jump through the screen and hug you"

- when we feel no one else would understand "why can't (character) be real, their so much like me"

-when we simp for a character "I bet they'd be an amazing partner, give great hugs, etc etc"

-when playing "I would what vision I'd have and what weapon I'd have

-when we're lonely "I wish (character) was real"

-laughing at paimon "god, wonder what it feels like to be with her 24/7"

-when fighting enemies "wonder how it feels to fight them for real"

-looking through character dialogue "wonder what my dialogue would be"

-durning big events (like lantern rite) "I wonder how it feels to be there and watch all this happen"

-when a character dies or gets hurt "why does it hurt, they aren't real... it shouldn't hurt me" or "they didn't deserve death, no, why... why they aren't real yet I'm sad"

-building characters "do they have a bag that they just carry all their artifacts in, like how does that work?"

-when fighting a boss/enemy and character gets hurt "NO NO NO(character" DONT DIE!!! YOU CANT DIE, YOUR TO YOUNGE TO DIE, HEAL, HEAL, HEAL!!!!!!"

-when a character dies in battle "NOOOOOO!!!! I TOLD YOU NOT TO DIE!!!!! Bitch"

- when you didn't/did but are trying for consolations on a character and a friend who didn't mean to get them got them "I HATE YOU, GET OUT OF MY PART, IM TAKING UR ARTIFACTS AND WEAPON, AND GLIDER, AND LVLING BOOKS, NOPE I HATE YOU NOW" 30 seconds later "Im sorry Ily please join my team again!"

All I could think of, is it just me though, or is anyone else like this? Also sorry for the few updates, I've been really struggling and dealing with little motivation and other stores and oneshots that I've forgotten about this book tbh. Working on a new chapter though!!!!!

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