Part 2

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I was in my room and looking at the stuff I had in my bag seeing if I should pack anything else when there was a knock on my door

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I was in my room and looking at the stuff I had in my bag seeing if I should pack anything else when there was a knock on my door. "Hey y/n dinner is ready" one of Ninggaungs helpers said from the other side of the door. "Thanks, just bring it to me please, I'm a little busy" I say as I hurriedly shoved things back into my bags and hide them. By the time I had hid my bags I was able to run over to my desk of papers and act as if I was working on them once the helper had gotten back.

She left the plate on my desk next to me and hurriedly left, shouting the door behind her. I sighed in relief as I grabbed my plate of food and a book, walking over the a sofa near my window so I could watch the sun set over the land. My window had a clear view of Liyue and the ocean.

From up here I was able to barely make out the landscape of inazuma and it's oh so beautiful mountains, forests, and valleys. I took in a deep breath as I smiled to myself. "I'll see you soon inazuma. That is if Childe has kept his promise though" I say to myself as I leave my plate on the coffee table and grab my bags as it had started to get much darker now, and the lights on the harbor had lit up

I glanced out my door to see if anyone was left tanning around, and to my luck everyone was in there respective rooms, lights turned out. The jade chamber had all its lights turned out other than a few rooms, being ganyu, keqing, and Some dim lights in the hallways. I was able to sneak past the millelith by sneaking out one of the windows.

 I was able to sneak past the millelith by sneaking out one of the windows

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(Im sorry I've been into sponge bob memes as of lately 🤣)

I had reached the part of the harbors docks that Childe had told me to meet him at. It wasn't but a few moments later that he had arrived, surprisingly keeping his promise. "I se you actually kept your promise harbinger." I said as he had walked out of the shadows. "Ouch. That hurt me y/n" he said as he acted as if he was hurt and covered his heart.

I roll my eyes and follow him to a ship with more fatui on board. Childe walks over to a few others and they scurry off. The boat starts to move away from the dock as millelith run out of no where yelling. "Lady y/n!" I hear. I ignore the call and walk away to a room Childe had told me I could use so I could sleep. I walk the the room on the boat. I sit my bags down next to the bed and start to get into bed. Eventually falling asleep.

I wake up to the sun, and a knock coming from the door

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I wake up to the sun, and a knock coming from the door. "Y/n, lord tartaglia would like to speak with you" I hear. "Thank you" I say with a yawn as I sit up and walk over to the door. As I open it I see the fatui agent who had knocked on my door only moments ago. As we walked it progressively had gotten warmer the closer We got to the the door. When I opened the door I was blasted with the warmth of the sun. It was definitely warmer that it was yesterday. I looked over the side of the boat and saw the beautiful scenery on inazuma.

"It's just as beautiful as I remember..." I say in awh at the beautiful maple trees that grew around ritou, the mountain that the narukami shrine was placed atop, and the hustle of the docks. As we docked I ran back to the room and grabbed my side bag and backpack. Childe saw me run over to the side and laughed. "You have been here before right? Because I'm sure my comrade scaramouche has talked about seeing you here once, but it was quiet som time ago." Childe questions. I turn to him with a smile. "Indeed, I was here a few years back before the vision hunt decree had started, not long afterwards it had started." He nods his head as to say he understood.

I step off the boat and took in a big breath of the ocean air. I turn to Childe. "Thank you, and I mean it, even if I don't agree with what the fatui is doing" I smile back at him. "It's not a problem comrade! The pleaser is mine" he laughs as he disappears onto the boat. I turn to the dock and walk into ritou seeing the familiar scenery.

I turn to my left too see a familiar face talking to some locals. I sneak up behind him and scare him once the people are gone. "Boo!" I yell as I tackle him to the ground" he turns to look at me. "Y/n!?" I laugh. "Indeed it is I thoma!" I say in a 'formal' tone as a joke.

"How did you-"

"Nope, not to say, and you will not be sending me back" I say as I stand up to get off the blond. Thoma and I were good friends, and had been ever since I visited inazuma. We would tend to send letters back and forth from one to another. "So... I need your help then" I say as I rub my neck and laugh nervously. "Mk what's up" he asks.

"I need you to help hide me" I say. "Oh dear archons what the hell did you do y/n!?" He asks worriedly. "I just ran away that's all I swear!" I say in an Innocent tone as thoma sighs. "You said you wanted to leave the jade chamber but never would've thought you'd take it this far" he says in a serious tone.

"Ya ya, welp let's get going to the kamisato's mister help~" I laugh as I start to walk off with my hands behind my back.

A/n: I promise itto will be in this story... eventually. Give it another chapter or 2 and I'll add him in😌✨

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