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I opened my eyes to see blurs but then it focused on some giant clock machine and my father with an orb?

I tried to get up but my hands were tied behind my back. "The clock is only hours away from finishing its countdown to the Final Battle between good and evil, Garmadon. Why so sad?" The orb asked

Hold on this thing can talk? I pretended to be knocked out still so I could listen

"Me? Sad? Ha! Nonsense. I couldn't be happier. It's just..." Garmadon trailed off

"Lloyd? And Y/n?" It asked in a raspy voice

"I still have to battle my son in order to transform Ninjago into my image and turn my daughter evil like me..." Garmadon replied sympathetically

"Battle, defeat, and turn if evil is to prevail." The orb yelled and silence filled the area.

I sat up quickly showing I was awake. "What do you want from me?!" I shouted even though I already knew he wanted to turn me evil good luck with that.

"Y/n are you alright?" Garmadon asked

"Don't pretend you care Garmadon. I mean what kind of father does this to their child?" I questioned attempting to make him fill guilty although I don't know if it's working I just need a diversion

"Y/n I promise you-" He was cut off by the orb "Y/n I have been waiting for you. It's destiny you are here."

"You don't think I know that. Tell me something I don't know." I spoke rolling my eyes

"I know you want to be the greatest ninja too bad your brother took that from you." It replied sinisterly

"I think you got me and Kai mixed up I don't care about any of being the greatest."

"Hmm perhaps not maybe it's something else. Like allowing yourself to love your father?" The orb questioned

I didn't reply as it circled me I looked at Garmadon who was in complete shock "listen don't act like you know me." I turned sharply to the orb

"I know you better then yourself who do you think gives you all those dreams?"

I look at it confused "that's you?"

"Indeed. Y/n you can be so great if you would just accept my help."

"No. See I'm a lot harder to manipulate then my father but good luck with whatever your planning I'll be here to stop it."

"Such a shame Garmadon you know what to do." It replied and he nodded "General knock her out!" And everything went black again.


I followed my father around the army camp all morning plus my hands still tied.

"To combat the ninja's new power, we have honored your request to step up defenses." Kozu replied showing him the new vehicles why is he letting me see all of this.

"Hehehe, I like what I see." He laughs evilly

"Why build your forces, when all of your attention should be on completing the ultimate weapon?" The orb asked

wait what... an ultimate weapon?!

"What good is an ultimate weapon if I'm not around to use it? Do not question my motives!" Garmadon yelled turning around

"It is not your motives I question but your resolve. I fear you're hesitating as the hours count down to facing your son." Garmadon looked away not replying making the orb draw nearer "So it is true."

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