1. leaving home.

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AN: this is a rewrite of my story demon, ninja and hero I felt I just rushed though everything on the first story so I wanted to take sometime to write a more flushed out version.


"Well that's the last of it" says Narumi packing away her last storage scroll.
She looks around her apartment now void of any personal items making bit look so bare.

"I spent most of my life wanting to leave this dump but now I just want board up the door and never leave" says Narumi looking over her long time home even after being destroyed by Pain captain Yamato rebuilt it himself to be identical to the original her friend even searched through the debris to find her stuff so she could have her home back, a home that she will never see again.

"Okay no more mushy stuff" says Narumi looking into a mirror to straighten her new outfit.

She now wore a short black sleeveless kimono with orange trim and obi with the Uzumaki clan symbol on the back that in her opinion was a few sizes to small but Ino had refused to let her get a bigger one.
She also had a pair of black shinobi sandals, mesh stockings that lead up to orange belts around her thighs the right holding her weapons pouch the left her leaf headband and finally a black fingerless gloves.

After merging with the remains of the shinju tree Narumi was upset with her now demon like appearance with grey light grey skin and hair with two small horns coming out of the sides of her head, so her girl friends dragged her out for a make over.
Thought she didn't like the makeup they tried to get her and after several fail attempts they excepted that her hair was untameable settling on a loose spikey pony tail but dressing a little sexier did make her feel a little better.

"Hm Temari was right I should show'em off" says Narumi looking at her chest.
"I was unsure about this much cleavage but having Sakura and Ino giving my tits the death glare was just sealed it for me"
As she steps out though her door one last time she mutters to herself

Narumi was surprised at how quiet the village was so early in the mornings.
Looking around she could see the scattered trash from last night's impromptu festival.
Narumi's friend decided to throw her a farewell party but once word spread it grew and grew until the whole village was basically one big night club.

"Trying to sneak off are ya brat"

Narumi turns to see Tsunade walking towards her.
"Oh hey granny and I'm not sneaking I'm just leaving in a way nobody notices so I can avoid them" says Narumi grinning.
"Yeah so totally not sneaking huh" says Tsunade as they walk down the road together.

"So don't want some sappy goodbye or something?" Asks the former hokage.
"I just would rather their last memory of me to be us just happy having a good time not crying as a walk off" Narumi pauses to take a breath.

"And if they were all there I'm not sure I could bring myself to walk away"
Tsunade looked at her pseudo granddaughter sadly before deciding to lighten up the mood.

"Hey you think that's Anko's or Mei's ?" Asks Tsunade pointing at a bra hanging from a lamp post.
"Well Anko doesn't wear one so Mei is a safe bet, I still can't believe you got the mizukage to go streaking of all the bets you win" says Narumi grinning.
"Ha I win when it counts that was almost as funny as the look on Gaara's face when a drunk Hinata wanted to cuddle" says Tsunade laughing at her fellow kages misfortunes.
"Oh yeah I didn't even know Gaara could blush"

The pair continued to talk as they walked to the village gates trying to enjoy what little time left they had.

"So this is it"
"Yeah I'm off to what ever this new world has to offer" says Narumi.
"So except that it has humans what do you know about this world?" asks Tsunade.
"Nothing at all even with me and Sasuke's power we could only get a vague sense of the place" says Narumi.
"Well that's reassuring but I know you can take care of yourself"
Narumi grinned at her.
"You know it granny I got this no problem"

Tsunade smile at her before suddenly leaning forward.
Narumi is surprised when Tsunade kissed her on the forehead.
"I just want to say thank you one last time for everything you've done for me, the village, and the whole world" says Tsunade smiling softly.

Narumi quickly turns and walks away fast.
"Don't think I didn't see those tear crybaby!" calls out Tsunade smirking.
"I'm not crying you old hag!"

After leaving the village Narumi walks through the dense forest to the spot she and Sasuke had found big enough for the seal.

"Your late dobe" says Sasuke.
"Oh shut up teme unlike you I actually talk to people"
"Okay before you two do you whole back in forth but totally not into each other thing let's get this over with" says Kurama shaking his giant head.

"The fox is right get in the circle you damn knucklehead tree demon" says Sasuke.
"Hey don't call me a tree asshole" says Narumi glaring at the Uchiha.
"Really you're mad at the tree part" says Kurama.

The three of them get in place around a massive sealing array.

"I still can't believe we made this thing" says Narumi looking at the insanely complex seal she had helped make.
"We're lucky you had the father's notes or this would have taken us a decade or more" says Sasuke.
"Yeah lucky dad was such a genius" says Narumi proudly.

"And sadly it wasn't genetic" says Kurama.
"Yeah righ- hey did you just call me stupid!" yells Narumi.
"The fact that you have to ask is answer enough" says a now grinning fox.
"Screw you furball!"
"Are you two still talking" says Sasuke.
"Whatever let's do this" says Narumi standing at the center.

"I guess this is it huh" mutters Narumi sadly.
"Hey I know it may be a lot to asks but please can you guys lookout for everyone I know you both have your issues but-"
"Shut up already brat we got things handled here" says Kurama.
"You just worry about yourself for once" says Sasuke smiling at his best friend.
Sasuke activates his rennigan as Kurama pumps massive amounts of chakra into the seal.
Narumi is engulfed in a golden light.

"Oh hey I know you have a huge crush on me but give Sakura a shot, she's all the way up to a B-cup!" Shouts kunoichi as she vanishes in a flash.

"Really those are her last words!?" says a confused Uchiha.
"Hm B-cup more then I thought she'd get to" says Kurama.
"Shut up you perverted beast!"
"Make me emo!"

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