2. a rocky start

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As the light dies down Narumi drops to her knees.
"Oh hell that sucked" says Narumi trying not to puke.
After a minute Narumi calms her stomach.

"Well pretty decent so far" says the kunoichi to herself looking around the lightly wooded area she landed in.
"Well might as well check the area" Narumi slowly flies into the air to look over the area.

"Dense forest to the west and a road to the south" says Narumi before she closes her eyes to focus.
"Woah that's a lot of people" mutters Narumi in awe at how many people she sensed .
"Even the capital didn't have that many people"
Narumi lowers to the ground.

"Camping out would be the smart decision but I'm just to curious" thinks Narumi flying down to the road deciding to take her time walking instead of flying there in seconds.

After walking for almost an hour she find a large green sign just outside the city.
"No surprise I can't read it" says Narumi to herself looking at the strange symbols on the sign.

Welcome to Metropolis

Narumi hear a strange rumbling sound coming from behind her so she ducks behind a near by bush.

"What is that!" Think Narumi as what looks like a large metal cart goes past her position.

"Metal wagon that move themselves what's next flying machines?"

Narumi sneaks her way into the city keeping herself out of site.

"No security at all weird" says Narumi unsure why the city this size didn't have any clear defenses.
"This place must be pretty peaceful here or they're just really stupid"

Narumi decides to get a better view by climbing  the tallest building in the area which is a tall tower with what looks like a gold globe at the top.

"Wow I knew it was big but holy crap" mutters Narumi seeing the true size of this bizarre city.

Meanwhile inside the building.

"Hey Smallville where are the notes from the mayor's press conference?" Asks Lois Lane Daily Planet reporter.

"Oh they're next to my computer" says Clark Kent.
"Slow news week if this is going to be front page" snarks Lois.
"I'll take that as a good thing that the city is calmed down a lot" says Clark a little smug.

"Oh yes all thanks to Superman are small town as safe as could be at this rate he may just put us out of business" says Lois smirking at him.

Clark is about to respond when he hears what sound like someone talking outside the building.
"That impossible we're 30 stories up" thinks Clark aka Superman.

He uses his X-ray vision to scan the building only to see nothing.

"Is something going on out there?" asks Lois recognizing the slight glow of his eyes.
"No must have been my imagination"

Back with Narumi.

"Alright enough of the googly eyes tourist act time to gather some information" says Narumi jumping at blinding speed to the nearest building.

Narumi stays hidden as she searches the city she is shock to learn that the natives of this place actually speak the same language as her.

"Hm so this place is called metropolis, in the United States of America and is protected by someone called Superman who is an alien" says the kunoichi writing down the information she had overheard.

"Hm maybe this Super guy  can help me"
Narumi looks up when she hears a loud screeching should to her left.
She sees one of those metal carts headed straight for a young girl.

Narumi rushes to the girl grabbing her as the cart goes past them.

"ASHLEY!" screams a woman frantically looking around.
"Mommy!" calls out the girl as Narumi sets her down.
"Ashley thank God you're okay!" says the mother.
"Yeah grey lady saved me" says Ashley.
"Oh thank you so mu-" the woman stop shock at seeing the demonic looking girl in front of her.
"Stay back!" yells the woman grabbing her child pulling them away.

"Woah what is it" says a nearby man pulling out his phone.
"Is she an alien"
"No you dumbass that's a demon"

"Shit this could be bad" thinks Narumi seeing a crowd forming around her most of them pointing strange devices at her.
She freezes at seeing the looks they are giving her some awe some discust but most fear.

"I forget how much those looks hurt" thinks Narumi clenching her fists.
"I need to go!" Narumi quickly flies up into the air away from the growing crowd.
"Hey she's running away call the police!"
"No we need super man!"

Narumi touches down several miles away on top of a tall tower.
"Great day one and they already hate you great job Narumi.....FUCK!"

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