9. play date part.1

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"Mr. Luthor the lab results you wanted are here" says Mercy handing her boss an envelope.
"About time" says Lex opening the envelope.

"Hm fascinating she's primally human but with some unknown mutation but not the meta gene also show no genetic damage like an accidental mutation" says Lex looking over the test results he ran on the strand of Narumi's hair he found.

"I need a larger sample for more testing, call toyman tell him I've given him enough time and money he must launch his plan with in the next week" says Lex.

"So who are we waiting for again" asks Narumi as she and Supergirl are standing on a rooftop overlooking the city.
"A friend of mine from Gotham Batgirl" says Kara.
"Batgirl huh maybe I should get a side kick I'll call her Narumigirl" says Narumi laughing at her own joke.
"Uhh do you ever stop" groans Kara at her lame joke.
"Nope" grins Narumi before she glances yo her left.

"I think you're friend is here" says Narumi feeling some scaling up the building.
A few seconds later a young woman lands on the edge of the roof.

"Hey Batgirl nice for you to finally join us" says Kara to her friend.
"Well it takes long to climb a building then to fly over it" says Batgirl approaching them.

Narumi gets her first look at her she is wearing a female version of Batman's suit with her red hair hanging out the back of her mask.

"Oh Batgirl meet Narumi" says Kara.
"Nice to meet y-" Batgirl looks to where Narumi was once standing only to see nothing.
"So is it like a rule that only men get full capes?"
Both girl whip around to see the kunoichi standing behind Batgirl hold up her cape with one hand.

"How didn't I see her move" think Batgirl startled.
"Oh God not this again" groans Kara.
"What I think it's a valid question what's with the mini capes" says Narumi grinning.

Batgirl looked her over.
"Hm she just like Bruce described energetic and childish but clearly very skilled"
"Okay I'm get a little sick of people giving me the once over everytime I meet them" says Narumi.
"Oh sorry I'm still trying to wrap my head around this" says Batgirl embarrassed at getting caught staring.

"So what are you and Batman doing in metropolis anyway you just called this morning but never said why?" asks Kara.
"I don't really know either Batman said he had something to investigate here and wanted some backup" says Batgirl.
"God I hate working with those type tell you what to do but never say why" says Narumi.
"Yep that's Batman for ya" agrees Batgirl
"Enough about him let's enjoy ourselves why we have the chance" says Kara grinning.

Meanwhile on the other side of the city.

"So any idea what Lex wanted?" asks Kal.
"No just random business proposals that made know sense and after the sudden call for a meeting he had nothing really to offer" says Batman suspicious.

"Then why did he want you to come here so badly?" wonders Superman.
"I think he is expecting Bruce Wayne to have a tragic accident while he's here" says Batman before the radio in his cowl goes off.

"Batman do you copy" says the voice of Batgirl.
"I'm here report"
"Well this is going to sound crazy but a teddy bear just tried to kill us"

A little while earlier.

"So Batman, Batgirl, and Robin what sense does that make shouldn't he be batboy" says Narumi as they fly through the city on patrol
"The first Robin came up with the name himself and the others just kept it" says Batgirl as she sits on Supergirl's back which earned a new nickname from Narumi the superchair.

"So there's more then one robin?" asks Narumi.
"Yeah we're on the third one right now" says Batgirl sounding slightly bitter about it.
"I wonder what that's about" thinks Narumi.

"Oh by the way the first Robin was her boyfriend" says Kara.
"Oh really" says Narumi now curious.
"Hey shut up down there" says Batgirl annoyed.
"Yeah he left to go solo as Nightwing and dumped her" says Kara smirking.
"Ouch that had to hurt" says Narumi.
"Well at least I had a boyfriend you haven't even had a date I'm almost a year" says Batgirl.
"Hey my dating life is irrelevant" says Supergirl
"Of course it's irrelevant it doesn't even exist" says Narumi.
Batgirl laughs loudly.
"Oh screw both of you!" Shouts Kara.

"Oh isn't that bald dude the lex guy you were telling me about?" asks Narumi pointing at a billboard.
"Yeah that's the scumbag" says Kara.

"Hm hey girls don't you think he'd look better with a mustache" says Narumi pulling out several cans of spray paint.
"Why do you have those?" asks Batgirl confused.
"Oh I'm always prepared for a prank" says Narumi grinning.


the girl whip around as the hear a loud noise.
"What was that?" wonders Kara.
"Let's go find out"

They quickly fly two blocks over and are shocked by what they see.

"I may be new around here but are 40 foot stuffed animals just a thing here?" asks Narumi see a bright purple bear stomp down the street.
"No no they are not" says Batgirl.

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