15. secret origins pt. 3

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"Well that's one down" says Lantern looking over the pile of rubble left of the alien factory.
"Oh yeah we kicked ass" says Narumi as she and flash high five.
"Yup so wha-" Flash is cut off when they get a ringing in their heads.
"Uh I guess J'onn wants us to meet up" says flash rubbing his head
"I should've just given him my cell number"

The three make their way to meet up where J'onn told them to.
"This is getting worst by the minute" says Narumi look at how much destruction had hit this city alone.
"Which is why we must defeat these invaders now" says Lantern.
"Hey we need help there are kids in there!" Yells a man on the ground as he and another try to move a large slab of stone.
"Will this do" say lantern using his ring to move it.
"Thanks man" says the man as they help the trap children.

"There they are" says Narumi spotting J'onn and Diana.
"So what happened we'd you call us back?" Asks flash.
"Superman and hawkgirl have been captured" says Diana.
"They are trap in there" says J'onn pointing at another alien factory.
"What about bats?" asks Narumi concerned.
They were silent for a few moments.
"He fought bravely to the very end" says J'onn.
"He was a true warrior" added Diana.
"They got batman no way!" Says Flash shocked.
"Damnit those bastards" says Narumi throw gritted teeth she may have found him annoying but he was still her friend.
"Worst and worst every minute" mutters Lantern.

The heroes quietly approach the alien structure.
"All right hears the plan Flash you act as a day distraction while me and Narumi will take down the walkers, Diana you watch our back while J'onn you focus on getting in to the base and finding the others" says Lantern.
They all nod getting ready.

"Hey stupid down here!" Yells flash getting the aliens attention.
"Come on I'm right here"
The aliens try to blast him but he effortlessly dodges.
"What are you aiming at I'm over here!" Mocks flash as he dodges another laser.
"No wait I'm over here!"
Narumi and Lantern use the distraction to blow away the alien machines.
"Go now" says Narumi as J'onn and Diana rush the factory.
"Lantern your left" calls out flash as alien pops out of the down machine with a gun.
"No you don't" says Narumi send a barrage of shurikins at it.
"Thanks, let's go" says Lantern.

"Are you sure they're in here?" asks flash as the make there way through the alien base.
"Yes I can still sense them" answers J'onn.
"Stop we got company" says Narumi as they here the aliens speaking.
"I'll handle this" says J'onn shape shifting into one of them.
J'onn approaches the unsuspecting aliens before quickly taking them down.
"We must move quickly" says J'onn changing back.
After a little more time they stop at a large door.
"They are right through here" says J'onn.
"Good let's end this" says Diana pinching the door with all her might but only making a small dent.
"Hera" mutters Diana shocked at the doors strength.
"Let me princess" says Lantern using his ring to slowly cut though the door.
"This is taking to long" says Narumi uneasy at standing around in enemy territory.
"We don't have a choice so keep and eye out" says Lantern.
After a minute they finally get through the door.
"It's them" says flash seeing Superman and hawkgirl hanging upside down.
But when they enter the room another door slams behind them.
"It's a trap!" Yells Diana as the room fills with a yellow gas.
"Crap" says Narumi feeling dizzy.
"Lantern quic-" mutters flash before collapsing.
"C can't focus" says Lantern.

"Uh my head did I go out drinking with Anko again" groans Narumi waking up but finds herself unable to move as she is stuck with the rest of the heroes.
"Damnit, hey wake up you guys!" yells Narumi waking the others.
"Huh what happened" says Superman
"We came to save you but didn't go well" says Flash.
"So these are earths greatest heroes I'm less then impressed" says one of the aliens standing on a platform above them.
"And I have to thank you superman" says the alien changing into senator Carter.
"You were a great asset to us"
"So you did use my the real Carter never made it back did he!" Growls Superman.
"And you were so eager to help and you J'onn J'onz you have resisted us for to long" says Carter as the roof opens up.
"No" says J'onn I'm fear.
"J'onn what is it?" Asks Hawkgirl.
"Their leader is here the Empirium!"

A ship land behind Carter and a creature like nothing they had ever seen floats out.
"Hera! what manner of beast is that" says Diana.
"It looks like a demon banged a jellyfish" says Narumi.
"Silence you pathetic humans!" Yells Carter.
"J'onn J'onz I was hoping to meet you again" says the Empirium as J'onn is lifted up to it.
As J'onn land two aliens shock him with their staffs forcing him to kneel.
"You have been a thorn in our side for to long martian"
The Empirium reaches out with his tentacles digging them into J'onn flesh.
"Aaahhh!!!" Screams J'onn in pain.
"Stop this you monster" yells Diana.
"What are you hiding from he" says the Empirium as J'onn screaming.
Narumi begins gathering chakra into her hands before she senses a familiar presence.
"Sneaky bastard" think Narumi hiding her smirk.
"Is that fear I hear" taunts J'onn.
"I will know what you are planning!" Says the Empirium.
J'onn groans in pain before yelling.
Suddenly an explosion rock the building.
"It can't be"
They all turn to see Batman standing tall carrying an alien crystal.
"What how?" Says Lantern.
"I mentally shielded him" says J'onn.
Batman quickly places the crystal into the alien machine.
"What what have you done!" Demands Carter as the machine begins turning from red to blue.
"I reversed the ion charge" says Batman simply as the dark clouds above begin to clear.
"Destroy him and the crystal" orders Carter.
"No you don't" says Narumi as she explodes out of her restraints a rasengan in each hand.
"Take this creep!" Says Narumi slamming one of balls of energy down onto the imposter Carter destroying the platform.
"Batman Free the other Narumi open a hole!" Calls out J'onn.
"No problem" Narumi shoots up using her last rasengan to blow a massive hole in the roof.
The Empirium cries out in pain as the sunlight touches it releasing J'onn.
"What's wrong does the light burn your pale putred skin" says J'onn holding the Empirium in the light as his skin blisters and burns.
"N no unhand me" shouts the Empirium knocking J'onn away and climbing back into his ship.
"You will not escape monster" yells Diana flying after the alien leader using her golden lasso to pull down his ship.
"Hold him still" says Hawkgirl slamming her mace into the ship creating a massive shockwave knocking the ship down.
"Hey lady get clear" says Narumi forming a large rasenshuriken.
"You ain't hurting anyone again jackass!" Yells Narumi tossing the disk of wind at the ship tearing it apart leaving nothing but a large crater.

"So we won right ask?" Flash after freeing the last of the aliens prisoners.
"Yeah we did" says Green lantern grinning.
"I think you went a little overboard there Narumi" says Superman seeing the hole in the ground that was once the Empirium and it's ship.
"No I think I should have gone bigger maybe a lava Rasenshuriken next time or acid maybe" says Narumi.
"I don't know what those are but no" says batman.

Some time later.
"Okay this is awesome dattebayo!" exclaimed an exited Narumi looking down at the earth.
"It is breath taking" says Diana in awe.
"Yeah it's sweet even has a coffee machine ice mocha ladies" says flash handing them drinks.
"Hmm we don't have these on Themyscira" says Diana enjoying her drink.
"Stick around I'll show you all man's world has to offer" says Flash winking.
"I think will"
"It is an impressive instillation but why are we here?" Says Green lantern.
Superman and Batman stand before the group.
"I used to foolishly believe I could protect the whole world but myself but recently I was prove wrong but together I truly believe we could do just that as a team" says Superman.
"So what like a bunch of super friends?" asks Flash.
"I was thinking more the Justice League" says Superman holding his hand out to them.
"Not much better blue boy but you know you can count me in" says Narumi placing her hand on his.
"Sound fun I'm in" says flash placing his hand.
Lantern look at his ring then places his hand.
"You can count on me"
"I ain't got much else to do" says Hawkgirl adding her hand.
"Batman?" Asks Superman.
"I'm not a team player but when you need help and you will call me" says batman walking off.
"Seem every team needs an emo" snarks Narumi.
"Hey where's J'onn?" Asks Flash.
"I think I know I'll go speak to him" says Superman.

Narumi looks around at this justice league and smiles.
"I'm starting to think life here will workout just fine"

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