8. Bat and kunoichi

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Narumi wanted to rip her hair out at this point.

For the last few hours she had been telling Batman her story but unlike the short simple version she gave Superman the bat had asked questions about literally everything from political relationships , history, religion, and even clothing standers.

"Seriously why does he care about our clothes" thinks Narumi mentally exhausted.

"So after Kaguya was defeated by your team you sealed the remains of this god tree and the gedo mazo into yourself" says Batman.
"For the last time yes, if I didn't the ten tails could be revived again so I decided to put an end to the beast once and for all" says Narumi.

"You said you came to this world to protect your world from the yourself tell me more about this" says Batman.

"After the sealing I began to notice I had this weird hunger that no matter how much I ate it just wouldn't go away at first I ignored it thinking it would just go away but after a few months it became to much worse and on a mission I learned what that hunger was" says Narumi pausing to gather herself.
"I learned that the hunger was for chakra"

"The energy source your people use for your powers right?" asks Batman.
"Yeah that's right chakra originated from the ten tails so I have this primal instinct to consume chakra, I was able to control myself so I never acted on this hunger but during a mission with my friend Sakura I used my shadow clones for the first time since the war" says Narumi.

"Shadow clone?" asks Kara.
"Oh it's a Jutsu that lets me make solid copies of myself it was my go to move for a long time" says Narumi missing her favorite Jutsu.

"Was? you can't  use it anymore" says Batman.
"Well I can but I won't on the mission with Sakura I used it and all hell broke loose normally my clones act just like me but it turns out my clones can't fight back against the beasts instincts" says Narumi shuttering.
"One hand sign and 10 out of control Narumis attacking everything that moves I managed to dispell the Jutsu but not before one of them got a hold of Sakura she was in the hospital for over 6 months" says Narumi.

"I see so this was the event that made you leave" says Batman.
"Yup after seeing what I could do I just couldn't risk everybody's safety because if I ever lost control who could stop me, so I knew I had to leave"

The other in the room stared at her in silence.
The kryptonians knew the basics of her story but hearing the usually energetic Narumi sound so somber was unsettling.

Batman was staring like he was trying to look straight into her brain.

"I got enough for today but one last question what is that symbol on your back?" asks Batman.
"Huh this it's the Uzumaki clan symbol why?" wonders Narumi.
"Just curious" says Batman turning and walking out.
"Okay even for him that was weird" says Kara.

"I'll go talk to him you girls go back to enjoying your free time" says Kal going after Batman.

"What do you want Superman?" asks Batman get into his plane.
"I'm curious some of you question especially the last one don't make since why are you so interested in her people culture?" asks Superman.

"Don't you think it's odd the a person from a whole nother dimension can speak perfect english and writes in Japanese" says Batman.
"Yeah it is strange I was very confused when she knew what a TV was" says Kal.

"Her world seems to have a strange mixture of culture and technology from our world" says Batman.
"Wait are you says our worlds have some connection?" asks Superman raising an eyebrow.

"It was purely speculation until I found this symbol on a temple in northern Japan" says Batman holding up a picture of a red whirlpool painted on a stone wall.
"Wait that's the same symbol as Narumi's clan!" says Kal shocked.
"Exactly Narumi is not the first time the two world have crossed over"

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