12. lights out.

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"Oh great not her again" groans Lois

"Do you know this person?" Asks Narumi.
"Yeah her name's Leslie Willis but she calls herself Livewire" says Lois
"She was a radio dj who really hated Superman but when she was struck by lightning that she somehow blames Superman for she was turned into living electricity"
"If she can become electricity she could be anywhere in the city" says Narumi trying to think of a plan.
"She could but Livewire is an attention hog with a bad temper so she won't stay hidden for long" says Lois when suddenly the lights in the room explode.
"Oh baby this is fun!" Calls out Livewire's voice.
Narumi looks out over the city and sees the damage livewire is already causing with a large buildings down the street on fire.
"You said she has a temper right?" ask Narumi.
"Yeah a pretty nasty one"
Narumi smirks now having a plan.

Narumi flies from the building towards the burning building to help but stop suddenly as a bolt of lightning shoots past her.
"No no no you saving these losers kinda ruins my plans" says livewire still hidden.
"And what plan would that be to show the world how weak you are" says Narumi.
"WEAK I'm living lightning you moron I'm as strong as they come!" Yells livewire.
"Then why did you wait for Superman to leave" taunts Narumi.
"Hey I could zap that big blue dumbass anytime I want!"
Narumi smirks "then why haven't you already"
Livewire doesn't say anything but begins fighting electric blasts at our hero.
"Wow you aim sucks" says Narumi weaving around Livewire's attacks.
"Hold still hornhead!" Yells the frustrated villain.
"Well this is boring I got better thing to do then deal with your temper tantrum" says Narumi starting to fly off.
"Get back here bitch!" says livewire chasing after her while still shooting.

Narumi flies through the city dodging the lightning bolts as she goes.
"I wonder if that metal guy is still around maybe he could be fun to fight again" mutters Narumi sounding bored.
"Pay attention you freak!" screams livewire firing massive blast at Narumi that finally hits it's target.
Narumi is sent crashing down into a nearby park.
"Not so tough now are ya I was just gonna wreck this shot hole to give blue boy a nice surprise to come home to but I wonder how he'll like his side piece getting fried" says livewire as she emerges from the power lines approaching the downed hero.
"Well I'm still tough and you're an idiot" says Narumi popping back up looking unharmed.
"What!?" Shouts livewire.
"I couldn't really do anything to you while you were hidden in the power lines so I had to bait you out"  says the shinobi.
"I'll just..." Livewire looks around but realizes that the park is just an open field no power lines around.
"And with no where to hide your electric ass is mine" says Narumi cracking her knuckles.
"Like hell it is!" Yells livewire charging up an attack.
"Wind style gale palm!" Says Narumi clapping her hand together sending a powerful gist of wind at the villain.
"Huh what the hell!" Says livewire as the wind knocks her into the air.
"I wonder what this will do" says Narumi flashing though several hand signs.
"Water style waterspout!"
Narumi shoots a blast of water out of her mouth at the airborne villain.
As it hit livewire shorts out creating a show of flashes and spark before crashing to the ground unconscious.
"Well that does that oh and Lois you can come out now" says Narumi.
"That was impressive even Superman has trouble with her" says Lois taking out her camera.
"How'd you get here anyway?" asks Narumi.
"Oh luckily Jimmy left the keys to the van on his desk so I followed you when you flew by, man I really hope she shorted out the red light cams" says Lois snapping her photos.
"Kara was right you are crazy" says Narumi shaking her head.

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