6. metal man and media

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"This is a very messed up world" says Narumi changing the channel after discovering the horror that is reality TV.

"Hm what to try next" wonders Narumi flipping through the channels stopping when she see a familiar face pop up.

"I repeat Superman and Supergirl are battling Metallo and a group of unknown men downtown police advise to clear away from the area" says the report on the screen.

Narumi looks closely at the footage as Supergirl is blast into a car by a green energy beam.
"What's going on?" asks Narumi seeing her friends moving very sluggish as the battle the strange metal man.

"They're losing"
Narumi clenches her fist before bolting out the door.

Meanwhile in metropolis.

"Crap what do we do" says Kara struggling to get to her feet.
"We need to separate them" says Superman using his heat ray to force two men to his left back.
"Easier said then done, how the hell do they have kryptonite weapons" says Kara.

Her and Kal had show up to stop a supposed bank robbery only to be ambushed.

"I have a few suspects but that's not the issue right now" says Superman as the men begin to surround them.

"You really are to predictable boy scout always needing to save the day" says Metallo approaching the weakened heroes.

"How many times have you tried to kill me Metallo and how many times have you failed" taunts Superman as he tries thinking of a way out.
"But this times different no special kryptonite proof suit, no armored idiot swinging around a hammer, no one to come save you" Metallo suddenly races forward grabbing Superman by the neck.
"And no hope"

"Let go of him!" shouts Kara only for the men to shoot her again.
Superman can feel himself slipping away from both the hand crushing his throat and the green rock in Metallo's chest.

"Oh what's wrong Superman what happened to all that power you seem so proud of" says Metallo forcing Superman to his knees.
"Damnit what can I do" thinks Superman desperately as everything starts to fade.

"Hey chrome dome hands off!" Narumi suddenly appearing and kicking the machine away from her friends.

Metallo is send flying away from Superman into the side of a building smashing right though.
"Narumi?" says Superman weakly.
"Hey pull yourself together big guy" says Narumi helping him stand up.
"Go help Supergirl I'll handle Metallo" says Superman.
"No way you idiot I don't know what's going on with you two but you're clearly not in fighting shape right now" says Narumi before whirling around and throwing a kunai into the end of one of the enemies rights just as he tries to shoot her causing it to explode in his hands.

"It's the kryptonite it weakens us" says Kal.
"Kryptonite? whatever just go get Kara to safety" says Narumi pointing at the downed heroin.
Kal looks over to see his cousin laying unconscious.
"Kara!" He rushes over to her.

"She's alive and doesn't appear to be to badly injured thank God" says a relieved Superman.
"Just focus on protecting her I'll handle these clowns" says Narumi.

"And who might this be" says Metallo stepping back onto the street.
"You just seem to collect more and more of your little super friends" says Metallo glaring at the new comer.
"But she can't save you, fire!" Orders Metallo as all his men raise their guns.
But to their surprise Narumi is now standing between them.

"Let me show what happens to people who mess with my friends!" says Narumi as she kicks on man into the side of a car before grabbing the gun out of another ones hands while punching him and tossing in at the third knocking him out.

"Hm not half bad but still pointless" says Metallo firing his kryptonite eye lasers at her.
"Okay what's with everybody and eyebeams" says Narumi rolling out of the way before charging at the metal man.

Narumi throws a punch only for Metallo to block it counter with his own.
"Not half bad" says Metallo as Narumi leans back avoiding his strike.
"Same goes for you tin man" says Narumi while sweeping his legs knocking him to the ground.
Narumi spins around to deliver an ax kick only for him to catch her leg.
"Enough of this!" Metallo tosses her into a near by truck.

As he stands back up he fires his lasers again only for Narumi to dodge as the truck explodes.
"I may not be the smartest but even I can see that huge weak spot" thinks Narumi looking at the glowing green rock in Metallo's chest.
"Come on girly is that all you got" taunts Metallo running at her.
"Well I still got this" says Narumi throwing several kunai at the ground in front of him.

"You need to work on your aim" says Metallo running past the knives.
"And you need to not fall for an obvious trap" says Narumi forming a rasengan.
The kunai suddenly explode sending Metallo flying forward.
Narumi slams the ball of chakra into his chest tearing though the greed rock and slamming Metallo into the street forming a small crater.

"Well not bad if I do say so myself" says Narumi lightly kicking her downed enemy to make sure he was down.

Narumi steps out of the crater and walks over to Superman.

"Good job Metallo is pretty tough" says Superman impressed with the kunoichi.
"So how's sleeping beauty?" Asks Narumi looking at Supergirl.

"She'll be fine just needs some rest"
"I think I got plenty of rest already" says supergirl coming to holding her head.

"Hey Narumi you may want to leave before things get ugly" says Kara as Kal helps her up.
"Ugly? I'm pretty sure I just kicked ugly's ass" says Narumi grinning as she points at the downed machine.

"Not that type of ugly" says Kal.
Suddenly people come running out of only god knows where all holding cameras and microphones.
"Superman, Superman who is this woman to you a new Supergirl!"
"Are you dating her Superman!"
"Supergirl are you dating her!"

The endless crowd of reports swarm out three heroes.
"What is going on?" asks a very confused Narumi bringing her hand to her weapons pouch.

"Come on girl let's get out of here" says Kara grabbing Narumi's arm and flying away leaving Superman on his own.

"So Superman what is your relationship with this strange woman?" asks Lois Lane standing in front of her boyfriend glaring lightly at him.
"Huh well you see..."

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