21. Injustice pt. 2

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"And I had those flames out before the firefighters even got of their trunks" says Flash.
"That's fast" says Hawkgirl uninterested.
"Yep fastest man alive" says Flash proudly.
"Maybe that's what he can't get a date" says Hawkgirl leaning over to Narumi who giggles.
"Yeah.. Hey what's that supposed to mean" says Flash making Narumi laugh loudly.

"Quiet" orders batman sitting at the watchtower computer.
"What you got bats?" asks Narumi.
"The Ultrahumanite has taken a hostage at the federal building" says Batman bringing up a news cast.
"No biggie right" says Batman walking passed flash.

At the federal building.

"Humanite let the woman go you can one of my men instead" says a police officer of his megaphone as Humanite stands in the building door way with a woman in one hand a gun in the other.
"What do you take my for a troglodyte no deal" says Humanite raising his gun at the cops when a green bubble of energy grabs it from his hand.

"Not so fast magilla" says Lantern before Superman flys in talking Humanite into the building.

"Check for more hostages" batman checking on the woman.
"On it" answers Lantern flying inside.

"Your safe now" says Batman.
"But your not" says Cheetah throwing off her disguise and slashing at Batman.

Lantern turn to sounds only for Grundy to burst through the wall punching him hard.
"Lantern!" Calls out Superman still wrestling with Humanite but his hit in the back by a energy blast from Star Sapphire.

"It's an ambush!" Radios batman dodging an attack from Copperhead.

Suddenly the windows shatter as the the remaining League members burst in.

Narumi rushes and kicks Grundy off of Superman.
"You alright there big guy?" asks Narumi but before she gets an answer several large plants erupt from the ground lifting her into the air.
"Narumi!" Shouts Superman but is tackled by Humanite.

"What I wouldn't do for some weed killer" says Narumi as she rips through the plants.
"What a savage creature you are" sneers Poison Ivy as her precious plants are torn apart.
"Me a savage coming from the chick wearing leaves" says Narumi flying at Ivy.

"No she to fast, stop!" Thinks Ivy panicked as Narumi throws a punch.

"Huh" says Ivy confused why she wasn't hit.
She looks to see Narumi paused in the air mid punch inches from her face.

"W what did y you do" says Narumi struggling to even talk.
"Oh my I didn't expect this" says Ivy smiling menacingly.

"It over Luthor" says Batman landing next to him.
"Like hell it is" says Lex pulling out his pistol firing at the bat.
Batman dodges around his shot before kicking the gun from his hand.
Lex throws a desperate punch only from batman to catch his wrist.
"Nice try" says Batman twisting lex's arm pinning him to the wall.
"Grr it won't end like this" growls Lex struggling to get loose when suddenly Batman is knocked away from him.

Batman rolls with the hot turning back to look at his attacker.
"No" says Batman in shock looking at Narumi standing side by side with Ivy.

"I have to thank you Batman for bringing such beautiful flower to me" says Ivy stroking Narumi's hair.

"The ten tails was originally a tree and Narumi fused with it so she is technically a plant" thinks Batman alarmed at this terrible turn of events.

"Get him" orders Ivy making Narumi charge at Batman.

Batman grapples away as Narumi smashes the area he was Standing.

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