4. getting settled

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Superman had to use all his will not to outwardly react to the insane story he was hearing.

"So in short you're an inter dimensional demonically possessed teenage ninja trying to protect your world from yourself" says Clark trying to keep a straight face.
"Basically yeah" says Narumi shrugging.

Superman knows he shouldn't believe her story even for him this is ridiculous but some reason he believes her.
"Okay say I believe you what are your plans here?"

"I have no idea honestly my whole plan was just get here I'm just winging it now" says the kunoichi rubbing the back of her head at how stupid she must sound.

Superman rubs his chin thinking about how to handle this strange situation.
"I don't think she'll intentionally cause harm but with her power and background leaving her wander the world alone could be disastrous" thinks Clark.

"Okay I'll help you but I need to talk to someone first before we can make any plans, where are you staying right now?" asks Superman.
"Nowhere actually I was just going to set up a campsite in the woods for now" says Narumi.

"Hm I know a place that might be better if you'll please follow me"

The pair fly outside the city for a few miles before the approach a small lake surrounded by light tree cover.

As the land Narumi sees a small cabin near the lake.
"What is this place?" asks Narumi scanning the area.
"This place belonged to a friend of mine that passed away a few years ago his family still owns the land but I haven't seen any of them in years so I doubt they care about the property" says Superman.

"So why am I here?" says Narumi looking around feeling it is sad such a beautiful place being left to rot.
"I think this place will work as a temporary home for you until something permanent can be found for you" says Clark smiling at her.
"Well this place is beautiful and I don't exactly have a better choice" says Narumi walking up to the cabin.

As she turns the knob on the front door the door simply collapses.
"It may need a little work" says Superman.
"I've worked with less"

After taking stock of the cabin Narumi begins unpacking her belongings.
"I'm head back now to make some calls but can you please keep a low profile until I get back" asks Superman.

"No problem low profile is my middle name dattebayo" says Narumi.
"I doubt that... dattebayo?" Says Superman confused.
Narumi blushes.
"Damnit I thought I out grew that!"

The next day Superman is flying to meet the man he think can best handle the situation.

"He must be busy" says Clark waiting next to a large spotlight casting a bat logo on the clouds.

"Why are you in Gotham" demands a voice behind him.

"Hello to you to batman" says Clark already used to his friends behavior.
"Why are you here?" asks Batman again.
"I have a bit of a strange situation on my hands" says Superman.
"Does it have anything to do with the unknown woman who defeated Supergirl" says Batman.
"Oh you heard about that did you" says Superman hoping his friend hadn't jump to any conclusions.

"The video is all over the enternet it's not everyday you see a kryptonian get taken down so easily" says Batman.
"Well that was just a misunderstanding that got out of hand" says Superman.

"Her name is Narumi Uzumaki and she just arrived on this earth"
"This earth" interrupts Batman.
"Yeah this is a long story"

Meanwhile back at the cabin.

"Okay all set" says Narumi after unloading her storage scrolls and setting up her futon in the bedroom she was organizing the gifts her friends had given her.

"Choji you are the best!" shouts the kunoichi after opening choji's gift of every flavor of ramen after opening all the gifts her friends gave her.
"Really Kakashi-sensei?" wonders Narumi holding her teachers gift to her a copy of icha icha.
"I don't know why I even hoped for something goo-" Narumi freezes as she opens the book and sees a picture of her father holding very pregnant Kushina.
"What?" wonders Narumi out loud as she flips to the next page to a picture of team Minato.
Page after page picture of her parents, teachers, friends and on the last page the picture of team 7 taken the day before she left.
"Damn Kakashi you are full of surprises" says Narumi wiping a tear from her eye.

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