17. Enemy Below pt.1

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"So any idea what happened to this submarine?" Asks Narumi as she, Superman, Diana, and Green lantern five into the ocean in the Javelin.
"From the destress call they were struck by an unknown ship" says Lantern.
"We have to hurry those sailors won't last much longer" says Diana.

As they dive deeper they see the damaged sub on the ocean floor.
"Come in U.S.S defiant this is the Justice League do you copy" radios Lantern only to get static back.
"Not good let's hurry" says Superman grabbing a breathing mask.
"Guys incoming!" Yells Naruto as a ship barrel right towards them.
The ship clips the javelin sending it spiralling out of control.
"Okay found our bad guys" says Narumi as they abandon ship.
"More incoming" says Diana as several smaller ship race at them.

The league members attack the ship tearing through them like cardboard destroying most in quick succession.
"Rasengan!" Calls Narumi slamming the energy ball into the nose of a ship destroying it.
"I'm guessing these guys ain't human" says Narumi seeing the men from the ship swimming away at faster then even shinobi could.

Suddenly a man with long blonde hair an a goatee rides up on a small personal craft.
"Halt you have violated the borders of the Kingdom of Atlantis surrender or be destroyed" orders the man.
"Oh really go ahead and try" says Narumi cracking her knuckles.
"Narumi calm down" says Superman before turning to the man.
"Aquaman we're sorry we were responding to a distress call"
The Man now knows as Aquaman looks at the submarine.
"They should have never been in our water at all just like you now leave" says Aquaman.
"Please those people will die unless we help them" pleads Diana.
"Take the men but the ship stays" says Aquaman.
"Are you kidding me that's a nuclear vessel" growls Lantern.
"We accept those terms thank you" says Superman shocking lantern and Narumi.
"You can't be serious we can take these guy no problem" says Narumi.
"Our main concern is saving the crew not winning a fight" says Superman sternly.

After a short rescue Lantern uses his ring to to carry the crew to the surface with the atlanitians following them up.
"This was bad call" says Lantern looking back at Superman talking with Aquaman.
"Yeah this is definitely going to bite us in the ass later" agrees Narumi.
"The people are saved that good enough for now" says Diana trying to calm her angry teammates.

A little while later in the watch Tower.
"I understand general but lives were at stake there was nothing else we could do" says Superman over the phone.
"The generals right we never should have left the sub in the hands of that madman" says Lantern.
"Aquaman is no madman he's a king, he only wants to protect his people" says Diana.
"A whole lot of evil deed are done in the name of "protection" Hime" says Narumi remember some of the horrid acts her own people did.
"And who protects us from him" says Lantern storming off.
"He seem quite angry" says J'onn.
"So am I but I'll go talk to him" says Narumi going after Lantern.

"Hey glow stick wait up" calls out Narumi.
"What do you want?" Asks lantern.
"Answer just like you" says Narumi.
"And let's not play games we both know you're going back down to that sub" says Narumi.
"How you figure it out" says Lantern still walking.
"Because I'm do the same thing"

"Left is clear" whispers Narumi as she and Green lantern sneak passed the guards to the sub.
"None on this side either let's go" whispers lantern back before they make their way in board.
"You know more about this then I do what are we looking for?" Asks Narumi.
"The nuclear materials used to power this sub they can be extremely dangerous in the wrong hands" says Lantern scanning the ship.
"I knew we shouldn't have left if" growls Lantern using his ring to light of an empty container.
"I'm guessing that's bad we should go tell the others" says Narumi.

"It was gone all of the nuclear materials stolen" says Lantern back on the watchtower.
"And you think Aquaman man did it" says Diana.
"Who else could've done it" says Lantern.
"We need to confront him about this" says Narumi.
"If you looking for Aquaman he not in Atlantis right now" says Superman.
"Then where is he?" asks lantern.
"He just forced his way into the world assembly"
"Great more political bullshit you couldn't have just let me kick his ass" groan Narumi lightly glaring at her Kryptonian friend.

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