My Continent

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Awake! Awake ye slumbering continent

From your desert tent

And hear my lament

Daughter of the west

Cited on your designated crest

Having found no place to rest

Now all you do is flee like a pest

To the once virgin

That is all but a product of sin

This may sound so mean

But ask her next of kin

Listen to their weeping laughter

Their tears are nothing but red water

Africa all you need is another porter

To carve you into eternal mortar

Of stone sculpture with flair

Admit it your dream is nothing but a nightmare

That's making you shriek

Fail to speak

Growing weak

Tick, tock, tick

Africa is sick

And waiting for her last kick

Oh dying continent!

Drying continent

Who shall bury you and make a vernacular elegy

That for you, life was so tough

Africa you are your own allergy

That failed to morph

Into a butterfly so bright

Now see the plight

Of thinking you're always right

Maybe your spirit will fight

In another sight

Another world

For now goodbye Africa

My continent, goodbye!

Poetic Synchretism by Trevor Mhlanga: Anthology of PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now