The Dust Rises

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Written by Trevor Mhlanga  (edited by Kudakwashe Nhlanhla Chikosi)

Bang! The gun is shot and the dust rises,

The Dust Rises

The fowls cry foul while others fall

From the Jumbo Elephants to the mighty Rhinos

None is able to stand tall, like Autumn leaves they all fall

Imagine this: 1 species in every 15 minutes becomes endangered

Humanity is the foe, man's deeds cause disdain and dismay

Through our actions, nature and wildlife are ensnared

And More than 24000 species are endangered today

The Dust rises to chock the poacher uhu uhu uhu poacher

It rises to signal the revolt against the archer

It has a rumbling sound that snaps the evil trap

So that wildlife can find an escape

The dust rises to say enough is enough!

Change must come, it must come now!

Stop the destruction people, enough is enough

To avoid extinction tomorrow conservation starts now

Together, let's say no more...No More!

No more gunshots in endless pursuit for personal gain

No more destruction of the flora and fauna we say No More!

No more inflicting of our nature and wildlife with so much pain!

And as we speak, another tree is cut down

Another gun is shot right on the spot

Another reason to make the future frown

Another species draws nigh to the extinction lot

The dust rises to shout...No More!

This sore must be ended, this pain must be stopped

Let's join together to say No More and No More!

Let all destructive behavior be dropped.

Let's hear the message of nature when the dust rises

It's not the sound of glory or praises

It's a call to say No More in the highest of degrees

Let's join the fight for nature when the dust rises

Bang! The gun is shot and the dust rises!

Chocking as it rises

Demanding Justice as it rises!


Poetic Synchretism by Trevor Mhlanga: Anthology of PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now