Thank you

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As per tradition, one more page to allow me to waffle on about how much this all means to me.

I won't get into what happened behind the scenes for me, i'll simply say that a lot happened that kept me from doing a lot of what I loved, one thing being writing. Despite missing this far too often, I'm glad to have seen and experienced what I did, i'm smarter for it and know myself better for it too, so don't feel too sad for me and my absence. I'm home now and better for it.

I have loved every moment of the years that went into developing the Not Normal storyline; from a funny little thought sent to a now entirely revamped discord server that I had while painting my brothers room and received far more support than it was worth for, to a little joke meant to mimic the "I got sold to one direction" esque fanfics wattpad is infamous for, to a three book long series with a permanent place in my heart.

You all made space for a ragtag group of teens I created when I was barely a teen myself and showed them the love I was always too afraid to give them. You inspired me to not be ashamed of the things i create, to take pride in them and take chances with them. You inspired me to take the Outcasts further than I ever thought I'd see them and I'm more than just excited to share with you the things I have planned for them.

Above all else, you gave me a home. A place I felt I belonged, where I knew that even if I made George painfully dense or dragged Clark through hell backwards, I would always be allowed back (given that I provided enough fluff to satiate you all until I could fix my mistakes).

Even when I was gone, I kept those notifications through to my phone and I'd often come through and read them, just to make myself smile. Even if i couldn't write more, I was so glad to see all the people that continued to find or reread and love my work.

I'm so incredibly proud of the community that's formed from these books. Of the Not Normal Nation.

I love you all, more than words can say.

Thank you, my wildflowers, for everything.

I look forward to our next adventure.

Forever yours, Dandelion.


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