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so... we gonna mention how Damien, manager of (Dream)ing Of The Disco, just doxxed the entire band or are we not ready for that conversation yet?
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Looking back, I can't believe no one saw it sooner??? Man's has always been sus as hell, why is he still around???
I have screenshots of the deleted tweet 👀 would be such a shame if I spread them 👀
Yes We Absolutely Are And We're Also Going To Send All Proof Of It And Other Shit He Has Done To Your Friendly Neighbourhood Clark
     Bet? We'll hook you up.
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"Clay, please tell me you have CCTV or at least some kind of video security system in your house." Clark rushed out in one breath, gripping Clay's upper arms like a vice. Clay stared at him in confusion and a mild sense of fear.

"Damien made us install cameras at the front and back doors and in the sitting room. They should still be there." Vincent supplied once it ways obvious that Clay wasn't going to answer - he had probably forgotten anyways.

"Oh thank the Lord, okay." Clark let go of Clay's arms, the man stumbling back slightly, and rounded on George instead. "George, we're going to need your coding skills." He poked a finger into George's chest.

"For what?" George questioned, sharing Clay's sense of fear.

"Knowing little D, the camera's are remote access and will be wired to his phone - muffin never lets go of it if he can help it. Geo will get you access to the cameras no problem, but you need to ensure Damien won't be able to regain access or lock you out once he realises you're in, we'll need the recording from the moment he arrives to the moment he leaves, think you can do that?" George stared between Clark and Geo for a few long moments.

"What the fuck? No! This isn't some kind of action movie! I code minecraft plug-ins, not security systems!" He eventually shrieked, ignoring Darryl's murmured 'language'. "Why do we need access to the cameras?" Before anyone had the chance to answer, George began again. "Why are there even cameras in the first place?"

"You remember when I came to visit and people found my hotel room?" Clay asked by way of answer, placing a hand on the base of George's back. George huffed, leaning into Clay's palm.

"Please George, even if it's just adding a false defence to buy me more time, I'll need it." Clark pleaded, well aware that Damien would likely be here any moment.

"Why can't Geo? You said he'd get me in, why can't he keep Damien out?" George countered, desperate not to be the one to let them down.

"I never properly studied computer science like you have, everything I know is self taught. I learnt to break things, not make them stronger." Geo explained calmly, attempting to dampen the panicked sparks in the atmosphere.

Clay pushed his arm to curl further around George as they both wondered how in the hell they'd ever gotten themselves in such a situation. "I can try." George finally breathed, wanting nothing more than to just get them out to a place they'd be safe.

"That's all I need." Clark reassured, turning to the rest of the band. "Is there anywhere you could go nearby that Damien wouldn't think of checking. In the house would be great but I can work with further."

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