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"So," Clark began, dragging out the word obnoxiously.

"So?" Keres echoed softly in question, readjusting where she was tucked beneath Boobies' left arm to look over at Clark, who was tucked into Boobies' right.

"Your little therapy sessions with Dar seem to be working." He stated softly, wiggling to squish his cheek into the bear's fur, knees at his chest and hands splayed beside his face. Keres smiled widely and nodded.

"He's really sweet and patient and kind, even when I'm asking stupid questions or just repeating the same things. I really like him." She gushed, tightening her arms around the bear. Clark raised his eyebrows in question and Keres looked at him confused for a moment before realising and shaking her head profusely. "No no no not like that no! Not him."

"Not him?" Clark asked slowly, a smirk beginning to curved at his lips. "So there is someone?" He teased lightly. His smirk was immediately wiped at Keres' panicked expression. "Woah, I was joking, it's alright-"

"I don't know." Keres murmured softly. "I've been so focused on the plan and- and getting rid of Damien that- I don't know." Clark reached to place a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. "I think there is someone but... I don't know who..."

"Hey, it's alright, Chickadee, we can figure this out together." He assured softly, rubbing a thumb against her shoulder. "Think about who you know, who you're close to, and picture being in a relationship with them and then tell me how you feel. You can start with me if you want."

"Isn't it a bit weird to think about dating you when you're right here?" Keres asked self consciously but Clark just shrugged.

"I think about dating Ro when I'm around him." He countered. "Among other things but we won't get into that. Just close your eyes." She hesitantly did as she was told, not wanting to disregard his previously comment yet but equally not all that sure she wanted to know.

"Picture going to dinner with me or a movie or on a walk or doing laser tag, whatever your ideal date is." She nodded softly, just about managing to conjure up an image of Clark walking with her hand in hand through the park, coming home to cook together and then curling on Keres' sofa to watch movies until they fell asleep, swaddled in blankets and pillows. Maybe they'd make a pillow fort. "Tell me how you feel?"

"It just feels... friendly, I guess? I can't really picture telling you I love you or- or anything like that. It feels odd to picture you like that." She replied honestly, letting her eyes peel open again. Clark nodded.

"Alright, so we can cross me off the list. What about George? You've known him for a while." He suggested.

Keres didn't need to picture it to know it wasn't him, shaking her head. "George is like a brother to me, and so is Clay kinda because of George. Clay's like my brother in law."

"Okie dokie, so it's not me, Clay, George or Darryl. Could it be Zak?" He then suggested and Keres looked to be contemplating for a moment before shaking her head.

"I don't think it's any of the band, they all have each other, I couldn't do that... again." Clark squeezed her shoulder softly in a quiet, understanding reassurance.

He hesitated a long moment before his next suggestion, face pinched with a much too well known pain. "Jethro?"

Keres thought. She closed her eyes and pictured it, Jethro's arms protective around her; Jethro's soft and private half-smile; the way Jethro gets more tactile when he's tired; the quiet and sweet kindness that takes over Jethro when he's talking to or playing with his little siblings or cousins or Clark's sister. He would be good for her.

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