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"I'm beginning to think you actually got laid last night." Ophelia stated, deadpan, as she watched Clark dance his way through the kitchen, occasionally humming to himself. She hadn't noticed, however, the soft smile on Jethro's face as he made his way through a bowl of cereal at the kitchen counter. If she had, it would have been all the proof she believed she needed.

After downing a cup of George's apple juice - he was much too distracted by Clay to notice anyways - that he'd definitely lie about having later on, Clark took a running jump and landed on the bundle of Keres and Ophelia that was situated on the couch. "Why ever would you think that?" He asked over the noise of the two groaning.

Ophelia rolled her eyes and Keres giggled. Clark didn't believe for a moment that Ophelia wasn't glad to see him in such an elated, bubbly state. "Just a hunch." She huffed, shoving at the boy until he wormed his way off of her and between them, wrapping his arms around both of their shoulders instead.

Clark was about to respond to tell them that he didn't, in fact, get laid but that he did get something much much better when he was interrupted by the slam of the door instead. All but two heads snapped to the doorway as they waited for whoever had decided to visit to reveal their identity.

"Uh, Clay?"

Clay glanced over from where he'd been talking quietly with George, hands lazily linked, bodies tilted towards one another, eyes half lidded and smiles warm.

Geo had arrived home from only the lord knows where - in reality, he had left a note saying he'd gone to the café down the road, the others had simply ignored it - looking panicked and disheveled. He glanced back and forth between his phone and a questioning Clay.

"You may want to check twitter."


Thank you for the well wishes. I'm glad to be back working with Clayton, Vincent, Darryl and Zak and look forward to a summer of family fun!
[an image of Dream and his family] [an image of Skeppy, BadBoyHalo and their families] [an image of A6d on video call with his family] [the image of a young Ashton in his mother's arms with Damien at their side]
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Oops, I meant Dream, A6d, BadBoyHalo and Skeppy, how forgetful of me!
Y'all know what to do right? I ain't see s h i t.
     Suddenly I am unable to perceive anything
     but the block and report buttons.
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"Hey, it's okay, it's going to be okay." George spoke in a soft tone, carefully steering Clay to the couch that the others had quickly vacated and sitting him down, wrapping an arm around his back and using the other to reach and carefully grip his hand. Clay anchored himself to George's hand almost painfully, attempting to blink through a cascade of blurry tears.

George softly shushed him, allowing him to huddle closer exponentially, and rubbed at his back. "Breathe for me, baby." He murmured, pressing Clay's hand over his chest and breathing deeply and slowly to set the rhythm. Clay did as instructed, closing his eyes and focusing on George entirely.

It took a few long moments, the other five working on reaching out to Zak, Darryl, Vincent, Nick and Mrs Bosko, before Clay was able to breathe evenly enough to talk. George still held him close, one hand softly massaging his back.

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