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Things had continued to be just as mundane as they possibly could be for a few weeks more. George put his effort towards streaming and recording; Clay continued to develop their next album with the help of the rest of the band; Nick focussed on settling in to his new environment and streaming as well; Keres readied herself for her next big gig and the Outcasts did... well, the Outcasts did what they always do. Whatever that may entail, George had given up wondering.

It was oddly nice, living life like normal people do. But we all know that that bliss couldn't last for long.

"Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't suspect anything when chat and I kept talking about rings." Sapnap shrugged. Once again, the topic had turned back to George and Clay - specifically George's ring from Clay.

"I just thought chat was being weird again, bullying me for my ring size, and you were just going along with it." George protested with a huff, Sapnap chuckling at him.

"You're so stupid, it's no wonder it took you and Dream so long to actually get together." Sapnap chastised. George decided that ignoring him seemed like a very attractive option. He focussed instead on reading his most recent donation.

"Have I spoken to Dream recently? Yes, I have, I talked to him this morning." George pushes down the small flare of happiness that bloomed in his chest being able to say that on stream. "Actually, before I started the stream he sent me just," George giggled for a moment " a picture of his feet with no context." He laughed again, remembering his confusion. "It was just his bare feet on his coffee table next to a mug."

"George~" Sapnap teased, dragging out the word, leaning closer to his mic and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. "I didn't know you were into that." He continued and George scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up. Yes, I have spoken to Dream this morning." George finalised, lightly pressing his fingers to the bracelet around his wrist, registering the way it had been softly whirring for a good few minutes now. He soothed his thumb over the back of the band for a moment and smiled as the whirring calmed.

Now that George thought about it, Clay had been fiddling with his bracelet more often than not today. They had quickly agreed a few ground rules after George had been woken three times in one night and Clay had almost burned his hands whilst making breakfast several times.

Rule number one was no touching the bracelet at unreasonable hours for the other unless it's an emergency - Clay quickly found that 'I miss you' was not an emergency at all. That rule was pretty self explanatory.

Rule number two was that the bracelets were only to be worn around the wrist. Way too many jokes from Nick and Clay had been made at the realisation that George had made Clay a vibrating metal band for their anniversary. Needless to say, George wasn't impressed.

Rule number three was more of a recommendation than a rule: don't overuse the bracelets. They needed to be charged - Clay had also very quickly discovered as much.

So, when the silver band rested just below the sleeve of his hoodie began to buzz a mere five minutes after it had stopped, George began to get worried.

He had told Clay that he would be streaming and at what time after Clay had said he would see whether he could join for a moment, so George was mildly confused as he watched the entire gray band light sky blue.

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